Fiona is tired because we've
been working hard today.
These are some of this week's
beautiful roses from Steven in
a brilliant blue vase I picked up at a garage sale last May.
I don't think of myself as the spring cleaning type, but perhaps the warm weather means that one thing leads to another. To take the paintings to the show, I had to empty out
my little Mazda 3, which was filled with boxes destined
for the Sally Ann (Salvation Army). The boxes must have
been in my trunk and back seat for six months. So we put
them in the front hall, and there were more in the living room and dining
room (otherwise known as my studio). Today we carried those boxes
plus six more that we filled with things we simply aren't using out
to the car, and over to the Sally Ann. There was a brand new food
processor, and two of those things you use to shred vegetables.
Apparently we don't do that. We wrapped up china, and boxed
up clothes and felt really virtuous...until we got home and saw
that we could easily fill at least six more boxes. But ultimately
there is a bit more space in all the lower kitchen cabinets.
Some sad CDs have gone to a new home. Even the studio--
which is always a bit chaotic is looking tidier. But then nobody's
painted anything today, but a Happy St. Patrick's Day sign.
Have a "make way for the new" day.
Poor Fi! You have done her in. I am enjoying reading about your busy life. feel connected to you a few provinces away. spring is fast approaching and we tentatively make plans for the reopening of the cafe. i am just too busy with project deadlines to concentrate on it though. did buy some new ry pans snd bowls and asoup warmers last week. does that count? don't spring clean too much now. chaos+creativity. N
Hi Norene,
Wow! Reopening the café, that sounds
lovely to me. I guess it's another
responsibility for you. I can't wait
to be there. I wish I could show
you the studio in its post-opening
chaos. The day of a hanging cleaning
up is the last thing on my mind.
Thanks for the note,
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