Last spring I had the distinct honour of painting my first Order of Canada. Judge Ann Northcote is a citizenship judge, and a spirited joyful woman. You could not imagine a fairer person for the role of citizenship judge, or a more passionate Canadian citizen. She embodies the best of what being Canadian means, and uses her office to join with others. She is warm, kind and has spent her life serving good causes.
Bruce, her husband, was an accountant, and is now
retired. His current passions are his garden and
travelling. The Northcotes wanted me to put their
beloved swimming pool in their portraits. The
paintings don't join, but the background links them.
Thinking that the paintings would be displayed on the
same wall, I portrayed them facing each other. Bruce is
devoted to his wife, and her champion. She feels
the same way about him, which is always touching
to see.
Although Ann is wearing her Order of Canada pin, she
did not want to be painted in her official court robes.
Bruce is a sharp dresser and showed up the first day
in a lovely red tie. He is a quiet, somewhat shy man,
and a few sessions into the painting, added the red pocket
handkerchief. He'd noticed that I like red. True.
I was very fond of both of them. One difficulty of being
a portrait painter, is saying goodbye to your subjects
when the process is completed.
Have an honourable day.
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