What a great day we had today. Steven took me out in the garden in my rented wheelchair, (which is light, comfortable and not bad looking), and I helped him plant the nasturtiums.
The garden, despite our neglect what with one thing and another (me breaking my ankle) looked just magnificent. The poppies are out and flourishing, and soon I'll have more nasturtiums than I can ever pick.
And the apple tree was laden with almost ripe apples. If we left them, the worms would get them because we're organic gardeners, so we picked a huge bag full (Steven did, I pointed out where the
apples were hiding in the tree) and tonight
Sam and I made applesauce, and Steven made a delicious apple pie. Both creations were a bit tart, but delicious with that wonderful combination of sweet and just a touch of sour -- Yum. Amazing.
I love the look of apples picked from our own tree, so
I began a small 7" x 9" painting, and I'll show you the first
Images: 1. Sam making applesauce
with the Foley Food Mill.
2. Steven getting the pie ready while
Sam makes applesauce.
3. The finished apple pie.
4. The first stage in my painting
of green apples in a bowl.
Enjoy the season wherever you are.
Have a sweet-as-pie day.
I love those photos!
And that painting looks positively inspired and inspiring!
How lucky is that that Steven bakes pies!
Lovely family!
Thanks Flora,
You bet -- it's lucky I don't eat much pie, because I'm not moving enough. But you can get high on the
smell of freshly baked apple pie
from your own "orchard."
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