When we were in the "cast room" at the hospital on Tuesday, Steven kept
asking when the cast party was going to begin. I'm a big believer that
the "universe" or whatever you like to call it, or not call it, provides.
Today my broken ankle dominated until the cast party began. I was sitting in my room feeling sorry for myself and in considerable pain, while
Steven was visiting my friend Mike the pharmacist, who told him what
I should take so I could sleep. My friend Suzanne helped me rearrange
my studio and lower my easel so I could continue to paint with greater
ease. My friend Susan dropped in with Niko, the greatest herbalist and
Chinese medicine healer I have ever met, who taught me some pressure
point tricks for pain, and gave me some pills to help my bones grow
quickly. Plus Susan and Niko brought us supper, which was amazing.
Raylea said she'd bring me a homeopathic bone healer. And out of the blue Lisa, who didn't know I'd hurt my leg, brought her cute dog Leila, who played with my dog Zoey, while Lisa and I laughed, and I put my leg up.
I have to haul myself up and down stairs (two flights of them in our house) on my posterior, enough to hamper my artistic spirit sometimes.
At one point today when I was feeling really low, I got a call from one of Tony Robbin's people who I talked to five years ago when I ordered a tape, and he asked me if I'd like to learn to walk on hot coals. That made me laugh so hard I remembered not to take myself so seriously. I actually wanted to be like Tony Robbins back in 2003.
Now I know I'm lucky to be me. I told Anthony Garcia who called that I'd love to meet Tony Robbins, but with the current state of my leg I had no interest in walking on fire. So maybe I'll go to the weekend of inspiration -- but I'll still be on crutches then.
Meanwhile here's a drawing of cats from an ancient notebook, and a self portrait done when this artist was very young and
earnest. The portrait is another reminder to get over myself and
let the cast party begin. Thanks to all of my friends and family who
make my days on this planet a delight.
Have a party-for-your-cast day.
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