Monday, October 27, 2008

Growing up is worth it

Some days I really feel for my students going through the rough
transition from teenager to adult. It isn't always easy. Tonight after
a day of teaching, I had work to do and couldn't paint. Searching
through a very old notebook I found this little painting of a
fellow I dated when I was my students' age.

Watercolour sketch of a young man

He was the strong, silent type, and at the time I thought that
was what romance was all about. I married a strong man,
but he is comfortable with conversation and has a great sense
of humour. Living with someone who can't talk would be far
too lonely for someone like me. But as you can see the silent
boy made an excellent portrait subject.

My students talk about love a lot. They're trying to figure out
what it is. When I painted this portrait I thought it was about
finding someone handsome. Maybe that's not a bad start, but
it won't get you through raising kids, making dinner, watching
Jon Stewart, or juggling busy schedules. And don't get me started
on animals. My cat is fishing things out of the recycling basket
as we speak.

I hope that wherever the portrait boy is, he is happy. The last
time I saw him we definitely parted as friends. He had
a little boy and a wife, but I don't know where the story went
after that.

Flowers and kitchen china

It's hard to explain to teenagers that love is more than romance,
but that doesn't mean romance isn't important. We always
have flowers and candles in our house. It's just that we have
so much more.

Have a loving-your-present day.


  1. What a touching story. I love the way you express love.

  2. Hi Flora,

    Thanks for that. I had a talk with a very sad girl after class. Thinking back on that age I realize it was so hard as a teenager to conceive of the joy I now experience every day.

    People like you are a big part of my happiness.


  3. Hi Flora,

    Forgive the deleted post, I just posted the same thing twice. I know you and Larry have a real love.

    It's such a pleasure to see.


  4. Barbara, you and Steven and Larry and I are all so lucky. Having said that, we had a minor tiff about the placement of the new shower just now, but our discussion was interrupted by the whistling of the kettle. Larry made tea, I brought the home-made carrot cake. And so it goes! hahahaha.
    Yes, being a teenager was very, very dramatic and tough...really it was like a type of insanity that lasted 5 years.
    Barbara, check out this site.......there aren't many artists but i'm wondering if that's the way to sell paintings?

  5. Hi Flora,

    We are lucky. I'm working on a website, thanks for the site info.

    Take care,


  6. Ya never know when a memory is going to come and smack ya a good one. I get smacked once in a while. Bitter sweet.

  7. Hi Eldon,

    The memory of this guy just made me
    realize how lucky I was to choose the
    man I married. God I would have been
    a lonely woman with any of the boys
    I dated before him.

    Take care,



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