Sunday, December 7, 2008

Fond memories

This is my 300th blog. Hard to believe I've been at it that long.
The blog has brought me nothing but joy and I thank every one
of you for supporting me, and teaching me so much.

It has been a celebratory day. My girlfriend and I went to
get our makeup done early this morning-- something I've
never experienced. The makeup artist worked just like a
painter, adjusting colours and changing brushes. So when
we showed up for Josephine's surprise birthday lunch
she was looking dynamite.

Tonight we went to hear my son's girlfriend's sister's concert.
She sings with a group called Cantores Fabularum, and the
choir's Christmas concert is just glorious.

I'm writing a short one tonight because it's late and I'm

At the Cottage
14 x 18 inches

Here's a watercolour I did of my son Christopher and Megan
based on a photo taken of them a few years ago. There
are a lot of things about the painting I'd change now, but
I like the emotion it captured -- that kind of new love, sweet
aw shucks feeling.

Have a falling-in-love-again-today day.


  1. Congratulations, Barbara! You're an inspiration.

    Love the story of going out for a makeup thing. That's a mystery to me, but it sounds like it was a really great day.

    Nice watercolor, too--you have captured the feeling of the young ones quite well.

    Best wishes with the next 300 blog postings!

  2. Thanks Melinda,

    Your blog is so wonderful. Love the
    paintings and the descriptions of your
    life and thoughts.

    Take care,


  3. Hooray Barbara! Congratulations your 300 blog posts, and thank you for inspiring me to make my own blog. The painting of Christopher and Megan is so great, definitely the "aw shucks" feeling. Good way of describing it.


  4. Hi Claudia,

    Yep -- moving on to 365, which will be
    in February. What a year!

    Thanks for your kind comments.

    Love Barbara

  5. Wow...Congrats on the blogging! The little watercolor is absolutely magnificent..very natural, full of emotion and very, very good!

  6. Love the watercolour! Again full of expression - you do that so well! Amazing. Congratulation to your 300th post - I am always in awe about how you manage to do all this nearly every day - teaching, painting, writing, socializing, telephoning etc. etc. Also amazing!

  7. Hi Theresa,

    I'm sorry for taking so long to reply.
    Thanks for your kind comments. Your
    generosity of spirit and support are an inspiration to me.


  8. Hi Liza,

    My secret is a I don't do all of it
    every day. I admire what you do -- how you turn out those beautiful paintings five days a week -- and a book!



Your thoughts and positive comments make my day. Thank you for stopping by.