Tuesday, December 16, 2008

A super night at art class

Tonight we had a beautiful model at art class. I was
at a marks meeting all day, and drove home thinking
about my students and wishing them a great future.
I walked into art class, and knew I was going to paint
the model's face. She had absolutely lovely skin,
hair and eyes, and a wonderful, soulful vibration.

In the light
acrylic on canvas
16 x 20 inches

Once I'd settled in I thought about what Theresa's
been saying about form, reinforcing everything I
learned in art school long ago. Just see shapes.
I did, and the overtone of light and emotion
captivated me. I was painting on a canvas that had
many paintings on it, so the only sad thing is the
bumps that don't enhance her face. But the under
painting did add to the feeling.

On the break I talked to my friends Frank and George.
Frank and I marvelled at the way Vermeer used dots
of light, and Frank talked about Rembrandt. From
Frank's point of view Rembrandt appeals because
in The Night Watch he put the paint on like
butter. It's a treat to talk to these artists about
their passion for art. It feels like breathing, like
talking to you out there.

There was something in the movie Australia that
I liked -- not because I liked the movie -- I didn't.
What I liked was the reference, although presented
in a corny, overblown way to the aboriginal song
lines. Now talking to you, I feel these lines
crisscrossing the planet, connecting us through
our art and the shared pieces of our lives, and
it feels like song lines. Like I could follow
the lines between our geographical locations and
find my friends thousands of miles away. I love
that thought.

Have a singing-your-friends-and-family-home-day!


  1. I'm singing you to me, and you're singing me to you... your spirit shines, Barbara. Thank you for warming us all with your soulshine.

  2. Love the warm shapes that assemble to be a kind face in this painting -- feels like music building a melody.

    Are we just a song away? I could so long for that connection to the world. Maybe it is song, though, like whales, that joins us. But the whales have the better medium.

  3. Gorgeous shapes and color - and I love the picture of happy you and your husband. And cat. Much love from another far away friend!

  4. Hi Susan,

    I read this last night just before I
    went to sleep. It was late and I was
    too tired to respond, but I was deeply moved by your words. I am going to get down there to your gallery one day. I can't wait.

    xoxoxo Barbara

  5. Hi Edgar,

    How magical that you bring whales into it. They do have the better medium. But I am overjoyed to be sharing this medium with artists like you. Yes, we are just a song away. Today, reading your message, that is a very happy one. My husband says we're going to take a road trip one day and visit everyone. Believe me we'll be singing all the way. Get ready.

    Take care,


  6. Hi Laurel,

    Every time I look at your work I am
    dazzled. So I can't wait to meet you one day and see your work in person.

    Big love is coming at you from Canada.
    It's a gorgeous, sunny, brilliant winter day here. You would turn it into a painting I can imagine -- so



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