Sunday, February 8, 2009


Steven and I enjoy a rare and lovely sunny, dry day

Here are some pictures Dawn Yaeger took of Steven Zoey and me
in the park a couple of weeks ago when we bumped into each other.
She kindly sent them on to me, and I'll share them. I am the one
in the primary colours (yellow, blue, red with a touch of grey on the hat).
These pictures document my one and only winter walk
because my ankle still hurts when I walk any distance,
and I am frightened of falling on the ice which is everywhere.

Me leaning heavily on Steven
It was chilly people

I hope you had a super day today -- I should have some more
art for you tomorrow.

Zoey says enough talking already -- let's go for a walk!
All three photos were taken by Dawn Yaeger -- thanks Dawn

Have an enjoying-your-feet-and-legs day.


  1. Beautiful photos, beautiful woman!
    Wish I had been there with you - it looks like much fun in spite of the cold. Definitely your colours, eh!?

  2. Hi Lisa,

    What a sweetheart to say so. I wish you could be here too. Yes. The yellow jacket looks a lot better in the photo than in real life. It's a huge man's jacket that I've worn walking the dog in winter forever. But it's down, so it's the warmest thing. Judging from your photos and paintings you are very, very beautiful.


  3. Thank you for sharing such fun photos of you and your dear ones!

    The camera loves you, Barbara!

  4. Your smile is infectious. I'm afraid I don't smile like that when I'm cold. Chances are, though, I've experienced very little cold like you folks do up there. I can't imagine.

  5. Hi Melinda,

    You are so welcome. The camera loves you too. I love your photo on your blog.

    Thanks Melinda,
    You are great.

  6. Hi Eldon,

    Thanks -- it was cold, but as you can see we were bundled up pretty well. About ten layers on top, three on the bottom, and at least two pairs of socks under the boots. The sun was what made us smile. It was pretty rare a few weeks ago.

    Take care,

    I think you'd smile if you were with
    us, because I just know you'd be cracking jokes.


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