Sunday, March 22, 2009

What a beautiful day

Macintosh Apples
acrylic on canvas
8 x 8 inches

I'm posting the painting I've been working on, but I somehow
doubt it's done. A simple little painting of apples suddenly
can reveal a universe of possibilities. Isn't that the way
sometimes with painting?

Today was a spectacular day, and we worked on cleaning the
house, and arranging flowers. I also worked very hard on reading
my great novel, talking on the phone to my mother and
some friends, and marking student papers.

Somehow the chores, the gorgeous day, and simple
pleasures like tea and a walk with friends and our
dogs, made the day completely satisfying. And isn't
that how a fine Sunday in spring should be?

Have a well-isn't-this-just-wonderful-news! day


  1. I completely agree...we often miss the nice things that make life go round. I love the painting...and would also say it might not be done....then again???? It is a beauty of a day here too...but awfully darn windy! In like a lion out like a lamb???

  2. Hi Theresa,

    Glad you like it. Well okay -- if you
    say so I'll leave it for a couple of days. We're having another gorgeous one today again. And we had that crazy wind too, but it's calm and cold now.


  3. I love the apples like they are, Barbara, and my guess is if you work on them more they'll look great then as well! I love the color combinations.

  4. Hi Julie,

    I'm so glad you like the apples. I just love how you paint. Maybe I won't get back to them, because I am
    working on a big one now.

    Take care,



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