Sunday, April 26, 2009

One more kitchen picture

Another kitchen painting detail
The lighting isn't right,
but it's an autumn painting,
and much different
from the other two

It's been another full day finishing the last marking details
for the semester. So here's another kitchen picture detail,
to satisfy the rule of three. On the subject of happiness -- although
I do work well under pressure, I have been working for the past
three weekends, and I really think your kind messages have
kept me afloat in a sea of marking, taxes and endless
household business. I work well under pressure, but love
days when there is nothing more to do than decide what
to eat, when to walk, what to read, and maybe who to see.
The trick is to pull that relaxed feeling into the midst of
days scheduled to the last second.

Meanwhile I'm working on my big paintings due tomorrow,
plugging in the kettle to get the coffee going, cranking up
the music, checking out my references and crossing my
fingers and toes (ouch that toe part -- don't try it at home.)

I'll have more to say tomorrow. Thank you to all of you
who make me very happy.

Have a getting-it-all-done-beautifully day.


  1. Oh, there is nothing like a day when you have nothing planned to do and just go from one thing to another--or not--as your fancy guides you! So rare.
    Peter used to get me up early every summer weekend morning to go fishing; then it was rush rush rush. I think I've broken him of his reliance on the tides, even if we come home with fewer fish!

  2. Hi Laura,

    I guess the irony is that people who really do have nothing to do for days and days on end go stir crazy. I do like a balance. A day or two in slow motion and then a few fast ones.
    I don't know where you live, but if you live by the ocean, you are lucky indeed. I love the new painting in your header. Anyway you are lucky wherever you live because you are a wonderful painter, and that's a great skill to be graced with.

    Take care,


  3. I love seeing your style and color in these kitchen paintings. Such interesting shapes and textures!


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