Mother and child (Skype diptych)
acrylic on canvas
8 x 16 inches
Barbara Muir © 2009
(Still working on it, especially
the child's face, and the background)
of backing up. I call it standing back, and it's a super
idea. I thought about it today working on my small
painting of the little girl, for the mother and daughter
diptych. And I realized it's hard to get back from a
smaller work, because I don't have a table top easel.
Still her words rang in my head, and any improvements
that worked were the result of moving away from the
close work of the piece.
Because it's Saturday the idea of stepping back seems
right all round. I tried to step back a bit from the press
of work. Steven was working all day today, which
makes it hard to remember that it's really the weekend.
But I spent a little time weeding in the garden -- that
felt like a holiday, and tonight we sat at the kitchen table
talking and playing crib with some good friends. That's
what we do on vacation in Nova Scotia. It's a kind of
break from thinking, and with this couple so much
fun. Now I'm going to watch a movie with my
sweetheart, and then go to bed. The children are
both well. The day went well. It was time to stand
back a bit, and just relax.
Have a stepping-back-and-reading-a-book day.
Hi Barbara, for me it's called pacing.But it's a great idea no matter what you're doing. I am really enjoying this piece with the mother and daughter. You capture expression and action so well. Great piece.
Stand Back, :)
Hi Eldon,
Thanks so much. I'm almost finished it. Yep. I do need to stand back. I'm trying for a more casual feeling with the Skype portraits, to convey a fresh, quirky viewpoint, but I still need to get back.
Take care,
You know, I can stand back all I want, but it's really only when I put the image on my computer screen that I can see truly. Not sure why that is, but turning it upside down, looking in mirrors, backing up... all that... isn't nearly so effective as seeing it small on my screen. Especially if I can put the reference image next to it. Suddenly the veil lifts. Do you have this experience, too?
Standing back - you are so right - it's good to do with our paintings and in life! Just to get the big picture, adjust our perspective is so helpful! (And I agree with Susan, seeing things minimized does that too.)
This diptych is absolutely charming. I love that mother and daughter with the big smiles! XOXO
I am still in love with the 3 paintings that I have of yours. Been retired for 3 years now,and living in Elliot Lake. Now I have more time to appreciate your works.
Great works. Kathy (ECE)
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