Thursday, June 4, 2009

Into the yard

Night Iris
acrylic on canvas
8 x 8 inches
Barbara Muir © 2009

After a day of handling errands, getting paint, planning,
and getting reference together, I went into the backyard
with the dog at the end of the day. Most of our small
bit of land, shaded by tall Maples was in deep shade, but
the light hit the yellow Irises and I rushed inside to
get my paints. I'm not a plein air painter, but it was
perfect weather, cool, and clear. I sat down on a little
wicker foot stool, and painted in a rush to get the
disappearing light.

And it was fun. The dog was waiting for dinner, but she
sat on the porch patiently watching my progress. Steven
came home, and she complained bitterly, talking (dog
talk) and barking because I started to paint at her
dinner time. So here it is.

Have a getting-out-into-June day.


  1. This is beautiful! Very dramatic with an early evening-like atmosphere. It's nice to hear that you had a moment...outside, away from the business of life and art.

    Are you sure your dog wasn't complimenting you and saying, "Great! Colors I can see. Yes, colors I can see!"

  2. Hi Barbara,
    Lovely, vibrant rendition of my favorite flower! I'm here from reading a thoughtful and informative comment you left on Elizabeth's blog regarding commission philosophy that we share. After reading that commonality, of course I was compelled to visit your blog.

    I'll be back to discover more of your blog. I love discovering fellow artists in blogland.

  3. Absolutely beautiful colours here Barbara! Wonderful painting.

  4. Beautiful! I love that light blue band through the back, and how you didn't fuss with the inside of the flower, but captured it mostly by defining the edges.

  5. Hi Melinda,

    Thanks so much. Yes the moment was very refreshing. I understand the plein air thing now. To paint with birds singing is a lovely experience.

    No my dog was thinking -- "what are you doing? It's supper time!!!!"

    You're right, they've discovered that dogs see colours. Actually because of her the lawn was a bit dicey, but we soldiered on.


  6. Hi Lynne,

    Thanks so much. I'm glad you liked my thoughts on commissions. I find things go smoother when you decide to be crazy about the people you work with. Thanks for visiting me.

    Take care,


  7. Hi Aliaena,

    Thanks so much. I'm glad you like the
    painting. It was so much fun to do.

    Take care,


  8. Hi Laura,

    You caught me. I was thinking of defining the inside of the flower, but I propped the painting up on a flower pot outside and stepped back like Laurel Daniel suggests we do, and said -- okay she's done.

    Let's keep saying our mantra.

    Take care,


  9. Didn't get round sooner to telling you how much I like this painting!
    I think it is my favorite so far - and I agree with Laura about the inside of the flower - you painted just the essential!

  10. Hi Liza,

    I'm glad you like it. It just worked very well. It's always wonderful when that happens. I love your roses. So amazing.


  11. Great colours, very dramatic. Like it.

  12. This is GORGEOUS! Wow...your work always has such wonderful vividness but you've outdone yourself on this one!

  13. Love the way you treated the color here. Singing!

  14. I LOVE this!!! The shapes, the color, all of it... glorious! XOXOX

  15. Hi Doris,

    Thanks so much. It was a pleasure to paint.

    Take care,


  16. Hi Gwen,

    I'm glad you like it. I hope you're watching Colbert in Iraq. It's not as good as when he's home, but it is funny.

    Take care,


  17. Hi Mary,

    I'm glad you like it. It was one of those days when the eye was hot. Always a good time.

    Take care,


  18. Hi Laurel,

    Of course I was thinking of you -- the supreme plein air painter, and I just channeled cheerful outdoor painter energy. I'm glad it worked.



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