Thursday, June 18, 2009

Painting lifts the soul

Mother and daughter (detail)
coming down to the wire
with the mother and daughter portraits.
Here's the mother at this stage
I like how it's going. A bit more
polishing and refining needed.
acrylic and gold leaf on canvas
36 x 48 inches
Barbara Muir © 2009

You have probably guessed that I'm a pretty social
being. I think if it was possible to earn a living
talking on the phone, having tea or coffee with
friends, and going to a couple of parties each week,
I'd grab that job. (As a young friend said the other day,
-- oh wait, I already have that job). Throw in a whole
lot of painting and drawing, and some teaching, cut out
some of the parties (my friends aren't always in a festive
mood) and that is my life.

But on a day like today I must admit that if I wasn't
painting I could be glum. Not full out blue down
to your shoes sad, no nothing so dramatic. Just
missing my son Christopher who left in a taxi at four
in the morning today. Sam and I stood on the
porch in our pajamas and waved him goodbye into
the rainy night. I didn't cry like I usually do, because
I was way too tired, but I did feel the import of the
moment, a feeling of loss.

The painting in a different light,
the gold paint and gold leaf
are luminous.
Painting is the obvious answer. I'm working away
on a big commission, and have to say I welcomed
even the problems, as relief from clocking the hours
of my son's 28 hour flight to Bali, and going over the
worry beads of a mother's love until I know he's
safely back with his girlfriend and on terra firma.
The dog and the cats are a bit sad too. Their solution
is sensible. Sleep. I'll try that next.

Have an action-lifts-your-spirits day.


  1. Yes, painting is healing! It's so very difficult to let our children fly away...I do hope the time will feel short between now and the day you see him again.

    This portrait is S T U N N I N G. And, luscious! Wow. Everything about this portrait is beautiful. Of course, I am going nuts over the gold paint. Great painting!

    Rest and sleep. You'll be on top of the world again after a good sleep and more painting!

  2. Beautiful. I can tell you're an attractive lady. Bali is too far, but I'm sure your son is a text, email, chat, cellphone away.

  3. Hi Melinda,

    It is difficult, but I am fine now. I am so glad you like the portrait. I am feeling happy with it. I did get a sleep last night and I am happy. Yes, more, more, more painting.


  4. Hi Art Fan,

    No, my son is out of communication for a while, by choice, and that is fine. Everyone needs some time off the grid.

    Take care,


  5. I think this is one of my top favorites. So many of yours are faves, but there is something about this...maybe that luscious yellow jacket next to the reds in her skin. Really gorgeous, Barbara!

  6. Hi Gwen,

    Thanks so much. It would be great if they just got more and more fave eh?
    (That's a Canadian eh just for you.)

    Take care,



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