Saturday, August 15, 2009

Laundry trips

Church on the road to Amherst, Nova Scotia

The photo today is not great. It's a little church we pass on the way
to Amherst to do our laundry. A small country road runs behind
it, and I always wish we weren't in a hurry to get back to the
Sandpiper restaurant in time for supper, or out to see friends,
and could meander down that road. But Amherst is about an
hour away from Pugwash, and that's a long drive in our
country life. (In the city it's a typical drive). I took the photo
on the fly as we drove past. This is not a typical Nova Scotia
church in shape, but is in material and colour. It's clapboard
painted white.

A friend was debating what colour to paint her house, and I
answered white. Although in Lunenberg the houses are
multicoloured and just gorgeous. But I love the look of the
bright white houses and churches against the rolling green
fields, the blue of the ocean and red sand.

Footnote: Two years ago we discovered that it costs more
to sit with your laundry and put it through the machines
yourself (a half day gone), than to have it done for you
at the same facility, washed dried, folded and bagged, and
in perfect, beautiful condition! Now we go for that,
and use the time to enjoy life.

Have a loving-what-you-see day.


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