ready for school. A couple of facts:
Next weekend I'm participating in the St. Clair Artwalk
Studio Tour. If you're interested in finding out more
so you can attend my open studio, please email me
at the above address. My studio will be open
Saturday and Sunday from 12 noon until 4 p.m.

Me talking about a painting to a
visiting friend at last
year's tour of my studio
during St. Clair Artwalk
most of which you've seen on the blog.
Okay. Tonight's painting is a quick study of a
footed china dish of our large, delicious market
tomatoes picked up yesterday. Thanks to the farmer
from Picton who has raised a perfect crop of
beefsteak tomatoes. Today I was taking a break from
my larger work and the sun hit these beauties in such
a perfect way that I had to get catch the moment,
and did this small painting.
Early to bed tonight.
Have an oh-boy-it's-Monday day.
In the photo of last year's tour your studio full of paintings looks full of life and spirit - and you're lovely and very happy looking, Barbara. (All the best with this year's!) Your tomatos look delish, too!
Wait a minute... did I just miss hearing about all the fuss and preparation for a studio tour?? I don't think I have ever known an artist who didn't sweat bullets before a studio tour. You are one cool customer Miss B. LOL
I hope your paintings all find new homes!
Hope the St. Clair Artwalk studio tour goes well...I love the picture of you with your friend in your studio, it looks very inviting and a delight to visit. I love your painting of the tomatoes, joyful and respendant.
How I wish I could come to your studio tour and see you and your works in person. I hope you have lots of visitors and sales!
The only thing better than a fresh tomato is a beautiful fresh tomato. I'll bet you enjoyed these for lunch!
And how cool would it be to drop by and see you and your work in person. Oh well, I'll think about ya.:)
Hi Linny,
Thanks so much. I do feel happy when I'm showing my work on the studio tour. Thanks for the compliment on the tomatoes. They are really good. You can't find good tomatoes in the store this year, but they're at the farmers' market.
Take care,
Hi LeSan,
I am probably not making enough of a fuss about it, because it's this weekend, but I do have a heck of a lot of work to do to get ready.
I have to invite people.
I guess that's step one.
Take care,
Hi Sally,
Thanks so much for your good wishes. The studio looks a bit brighter there than it is now. I toned down the curtains for a TV interview about my work. But the paintings and walls are still bright. If you're down this way, let me know and I'll tell you how to get here. But I think you're in a studio tour of your own.
I hope that goes well.
Take care,
Hi Elizabeth,
I would sure love to see you here. You might have to introduce yourself because I don't know what you look like! But I think I'd know your wonderful work and creativity anywhere.
Take care,
Hi Eldon,
You are so right. I sliced some onto a piece of toast made with Steven's homemade bread, and the taste was out of this world, or of this world. So
summer. Here we are madly shoring up
summer taste memories because we know big, bad winter is over the horizon.
I think I'd faint dead out if you showed up on my doorstep, but I'd be certain to offer you a glass of wine, and show you around.
Take care,
So much going on over there and I am missing it all! Boo hoo hoo...
I love the look of your paintings on the walls behind you, and of you of course as well! Your paintings and you really seem like a unity - the paintings are you and you are the paintings. So you have definitely managed to express your personality with your art which isn't easy at all! Congratulations, Barbara! I wish you all the success you deserve and will be with in my thoughts at least...
By the way, your tomatoes look great - so shiny and juicy!
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