Monday, October 12, 2009

Looking back

Small girl
pastel and conté on bond paper
Barbara Muir
Thanksgiving is a time for reflection. I've spent the day reading
student papers, and cleaning up the house. Tonight I worked
on a painting I started a couple of years ago, but could
not get it to come together. In a musky drawer in the basement I found
this pastel and conté drawing I did in university. I liked the mood.
Plus I was happy to see how well I could draw back then. It seems
fitting when you're looking back over the year to give thanks
for all that happened, to look back on your life too and give thanks
for the fine gifts you've been blessed with in terms of health
and happiness. In my case making art has always been a pleasure,
and I'm grateful to my parents for encouraging me to go to art

Have a reflecting-on-past-and-present-pleasures day.


  1. This is beautiful. You had such an eye for color and composition even then.

    The 2 posts below this didn't show up for me (still having blog issues) and I hate that because I know I'm missing something wonderful.

  2. Nice piece of work Barbara. It's cool finding those lost treasures. Boosts the ole confidence yeah?

  3. Hi Gwen,

    I'm so sorry you're having blog issues. I hope they clear up soon. Did you win a prize with that great cat painting?



  4. Hi Eldon,

    What's cool about it is having an image to post when there is simply no time to paint or even draw. Those are sorry days in some ways, but Thanksgiving is a suitable excuse. Just too damn busy eating turkey and my husband's pumpkin pie. Thanks for your kind encouragement. You are great.

    Take care,



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