Friday, November 20, 2009

Gratitude Lists

Stage Two of the Portrait of Two Brothers
Refining the older brother's face
Blocking in the dark blue of
his sweatshirt.
acrylic on canvas
18 x 24 inches
Barbara Muir © 2009

Maybe it was just a tiny bit more sleep (like
15 minutes), the slightly later start time
(55 minutes), but I've been in a buoyant
mood all day. At school the students did
fine presentations, and were eager to
show me completed work. The teachers
and administration staff were funny. It
was a great morning.

When I left school a low, grey, scudding sky
was pierced with one lone ray of light, like
a ladder of brilliance reaching down to light
up my little corner of the planet. My head
was filled with the humorous thoughts my
friends discussed before I left and I had a
goofy smile on my face as I drove home
listening to CBC Radio (you can listen to it too
if you're interested).

I thought to myself I'm glad I'm a painter. I
love my life, I'm glad I teach where I teach
with the people I enjoy. I felt brimming with
happiness and excitement about the weeks
and months to come.

So why don't you try it out too? As corny as
it sounds my 10 reasons to be happy lists
can lighten what may seem to be an impossibly
heavy load.

10 Reasons to be Happy

1. I had clean blue jeans today
2. The coffee at Tim Horton's at school was
good. Thanks to Carmen for picking one
up for me.
3. I started my commission, and I know it
will go well.
4. It's Steven's night to make dinner and I
hear him downstairs cooking to As It
(An excellent radio show on CBC
5. A student told me that she's doing everything
I've taught her in class and it's working. She feels
better and is doing well in school!
6. It's Friday night, and I can watch some
of the third season of 30 Rock after I work on
my painting.
7. My children are well and thriving.
8. I have time to read my blog friends' blogs
from all over the world.
9. I'll have time to read some of my novel.
10. Oprah is starting her own network called
OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network) and I
say go Oprah! Wow. A whole network
devoted to the type of television I admire.

Have a being-thankful-for-your-life day.


  1. Hi Barbara, I'm so pleased for you that you had such a great day! And the commission is definitely going well!!

  2. Thanks Liza,

    I am so happy you think it's going well. It feels good because I love these children just through the photograph. They look so sweet.



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