People riding bicycles on one of the rare
completely flat places in the
city -- the square behind the Nazione
(Nation) newspaper offices
Tonight is the big gala at the Florence Biennale. For
people like me who live in blue jeans and sweaters,a gala -- meaning dressy and in Italy very dressy --
is a challenge. So we started the day trying to figure
out which of my very plain black dresses I should wear. I would
gladly throw on a gold edged shawl like any of the
100s I have seen in gorgeous paintings of the virgin
Mary. When you're here you realize she was just wearing
the fashion of the time. Gold, gold and more gold on the
edges of rich blue and red fabric, and don't forget around
the neck and over the head. Love both the colour and
the gold, expect more gold leaf on my work when I get home.
I have been completely and happily corrupted.
Have a loving-every-gala-occasion day.
GOOD LUCK TONIGHT (or maybe it's happening right now with the time difference!) I am sure you will be GORGEOUS in whichever black dress you choose. Knock 'em dead! XOXOXO
Hi Laurel,
As it happened it was very cold the night of the gala, and I wore black dress with pants and a sweater and jacket over top, and had to take off the outside layers to get to the dress, but still kept a scarf around my neck. There were women in gorgeous evening dresses, and lots of people in much plainer dress. But the evening was just wonderful.
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