Thursday, February 25, 2010

A small celebration

For a small weekday toast
black and grey marker on bond paper
11 x 9 inches
Barbara Muir © 2010

The other day I bought a tiny bottle of Veuve
Cliquot to celebrate that my paintings were home
safely from Florence, Italy and the Florence
Biennale. Both Steven and I had so much work
to do that we toasted with one glass, and then
put the bottle away.

Tonight is the start of Reading Week for me.
My classes even did count downs 10,9,8 etc.
Of course I'm not on holiday, but working on
as much painting as I can squeeze into the week.

So today I went to my favorite art store, and
bought drawing materials. I recently saw a
cool drawing somewhere -- maybe in the
newspaper that used black marker with
grey marker and I thought that would be
interesting to try. So I bought a grey wide
marker to try it out. Tomorrow I'll go
back and get the lighter grey I was envisioning.

It is a cheery idea. I toasted all of you. The
candles burned down at dinner while we
talked and laughed, and the backdrop was
some amazing tulips which are nearing the
end of their perfection.

Have a trying-out-that-new-idea-and-celebrating day.


  1. This is a really terrific drawing, Barbara!
    So this is reading week, eh?
    Then here is a toast to you! – Have a restful, productive, painting, reading and a great everything else week!
    xoxoxoxoxo Marcia

  2. Sounds like a lovely evening! And this is a lovely drawing!
    Have a wonderful week!


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