Golden Sunlight Cherrywood
acrylic on canvas
16 x 20 inches
Barbara Muir © 2010
(Here's the painting I've been
working on today. Not quite finished. It's the view
from my studio painted plein studio window
again. The light in the late afternoon today was
absolutely magical -- light that could make you
fall in love with winter. I did while I was
painting this.)
creative blogging by my friends Julie Davis, and Karen
Bruson, and by Becky Joy whose work is lovely,
and I hadn't seen it until she gave me the award. Thank
you very much everyone. I am thrilled beyond measure.
The rules for accepting the award are;
Put the logo on your blog or within your post,
Pass the award on to 12 Bloggers
Link to the nominees in your post
Let the nominees know they have received this award
Link to the people who gave you the award.
Okay here goes:
Flora Doehler
Belinda Del Pesco
Liza Hirst
Melinda Esparza
Eldon Warren
Theresa Rankin
Laurel Daniels
Julie Davis
Gwen Bell
Marcia LaBelle
Karen Bruson
Edward B. Gordon
Susan Carlin
Laura Starett
Carol Marine
Sheila Vaughan
R. Garriott
Nicki Ault
David Lobenberg
Edgar Schrock
Sally Chupick
Linny D. Vine
Tammy Hext
Catherine Jeffrey
Elisabeth Seaver
Oh My Goodness, now I'm getting nervous. I
go flipping around the blog world looking for
people I might have left out. 12 is not enough.
I've been doing this for two years. There are
so many, many people whose work I love.
If I forgot you that's exactly what happened.
I just forgot. I still think you're wonderful
(can you tell I'm a middle child -- we really
want to be kind and fair -- okay not all middle
children, but this one for sure.)

Thank you so much for the award. I am a firm believer
in trying to be positive. It is a choice, and not always
an easy one, I know that's true.
Have an Hey-I'm-a-prize-winner! day.
in trying to be positive. It is a choice, and not always
an easy one, I know that's true.
Have an Hey-I'm-a-prize-winner! day.
19 comments: this one!
I love the bold blocks of color in this one (especially the reds)!
Congrats on the blog award too!
You can just feel the sunshine in this piece. Love it!
Thank you for the award Barbara and your kind comments on my portrait attempts - means alot coming from you!
I just found your blog and WOW!! Love your colors - they are so rich and yummy! I look forward to visiting often!
Congratulations on receiving the Sunshine Award!
I have been busy lately and not getting around to visiting my blogging buddies lately and look what I find when I do! I love this painting of yours. It is so charming and happy. It's simply delightful. Love it!
Now as for this happy positive blog award--well of course you were picked. How could you not be? It is just impossible to not feel your positive energy exploding all around. :-) I am very flattered and honored that you chose me among all your other very wise choices. I know that's cuz I'm a suck up. hehe Thank you so much for thinking of me and for thinking such kind thoughts when you did. LOL :-)
Brilliant light and brilliant painting! Love it.
I think you may have a painting that can bring spring to your area! The contrasts and colors are in perfect harmony and you make it look easy.
Virtual hugs.
Hi Barbara,
I love this painting! Love it! I know this light. I have seen this light and you have used your paints to describe it so well. Congratulations on this beautiful piece of artwork and the blog award you were given.
And thank you for including me in your list of blogs to pass this award on to! I appreciate it so much and I appreciate you for all of the generous support you have given me since I began my bloggy adventure six months ago. All of the artists on your list are wonderful and I am honoured and surprised to find myself among them.
XO Nicki
You live on a special street called Cherrywood and you have two cherry trees in your backyard and your darling Steven makes yummy cherry pies and you do these fabulous street paintings that keep getting better and better. This sun filled one is a stunner!
Thank you so much for the sunshine award. I want to soak up as much sunshine as I possibly can . I become so wan and pale this time of year.
Love you
Hi Karen,
Thank you so much. Your paintings dazzle me.
Take care,
Hi Dean,
Thank you so much. I am so glad that you like it. Thanks for the congratulations too.
Take care,
Hi Tammy,
Your portraits are fantastic. I don't know why you call them attempts. They are works of art.
Take care,
Hi Linda,
Thank you so much for your congratulations and I'm so glad you like my blog.
Take care,
Hi LeSan,
I chose you because I really like your paintings and I am completely blown away by your writing too. The description of you and your husband trying to hold the water pipes together. The best.
Take care,
Hi Melinda,
For a portrait artist painting the street is a holiday. I guess I've been on holiday. Will this bring spring? I could have done the whole theme again today using pink, because the end of day light was a deep rose colour. Spring must be coming. Well -- officially it's just a month away.
Yay! Here's to rain for you and for us. No snow is not a good thing for growing things. Our plants need that water, and it isn't there.
Hi Nicki,
You are so one of the excellent artists in this world. Believe it. I think you do. Thank you so much for recognizing the light. I'm thinking of going back and darkening the shadows. Not sure.
It's right back at you for the support. Thank you for your kind encouragement of me, and for teaching me about blue.
Hi Marcia,
Close. One cherry tree and one apple tree in the backyard. If the yard was bigger I would for sure have more cherry trees. There was an artist who lived on Cherrywood Ave. When her children were young they went to a school called "Cherrywood." The artist and her husband had a cherry tree, and her husband made cherry pie every June. Nice story you wrote and true. I wish you hadn't mentioned the pie part. That is without a doubt the most delicious thing I eat all year.
Glad you like the painting.
Love your drawings.
Love Barbara
I love this scene! It is so amazing that you make it look different and fresh each time. Terrific color combos in this one.
Congrats on the award and thanks so much for passing it to me!
Hi Gwen,
Thank you so much. Of course it is different every time. But I'm searching madly for a different view.
Up the street is the local school, a great building inside, but just grey on the outside. All in all I have two windows that look out on the street and three that look out on the
back yard. I've been checking that out. Thanks for your kindness. You totally deserve the Sunshine Award.
Take care,
Oh my God, how could I miss this post?! The painting is wonderful, so full of bright sunshine, I can nearly feel it. And then I find my name in your list! I am so sorry, I haven't responded earlier - shame on me. And a big thank you to you, Barbara! You are too kind to me...
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