Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Come to the closing party!

Gill and I invite you to the Closing Party
Thursday June 10, from 6 - 9 p.m.

We had so much fun at our opening party that we're
having a closing party for everyone who couldn't
make it out to the opening. Gill Cameron and
I have been having a super time with our
show at the Wychwood Barns, and we'd like
to show our appreciation for our friends in the
community, the city support,
and guests like those who dropped in from
Vancouver, Philadelphia, France and Texas!

So we're having another party and we'd love to
meet you there. The show is absolutely beautiful.
Our work is glorious together and we put on
one great party.

Portrait of Zoey my dog
from a xerox copy of
the original watercolour
done for Zoey's dog walker
the wonderful Diana.
Diana hasn't walked our Zoey for a few
years, but she and her daughter, Astrid
are friends, and they trained her
and made her into the great dog she is.
This painting made me laugh because she's
such a beautiful black and white dog.
Artist's liberty.
Barbara Muir © 2010

Have a getting-ready-to-party-on Thursday day.


  1. How I wish I could be there!!
    Your show and you look great and I wish you a wonderful closing party! What a super place to exhibit in, too.

  2. Oh, I forgot to say that I LOVE the painting of Zoey!


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