Thursday, July 15, 2010

Hello from Pugwash

The beautiful Chatterbox Cafe in downtown
Pugwash, Nova Scotia

Here I am at the Chatterbox Cafe in Pugwash, Nova Scotia, and
missing you all so much. But wait. I'm just going to put on some
photos of the cafe today. Owners Greg and Norene Smiley are
just wonderful people. Norene is a painter --just an amazing painter.
Tomorrow night I plant to go to the opening of an art show she's
in at the Fraser Cultural Center on Main Street in Tatamagouche on
the north shore in Nova Scotia.

We have had quite a journey getting here. We drove through
blinding rain at night through the hills on the way to Fredericton.
And it's mighty wet in the acre around the school house. We
definitely need those rubber boots we keep near the door in
case the field is wet. I wish I could bottle the peace, quiet and
pure joy we find there, and send some of it to each and every
one of you. This is one of the corners of the universe that is
so delightful, it's hard to understand why we only come for
such a brief stay.

Patrons enjoying the cafe, and so are we.

Thanks to everyone both here, and back home in Toronto
who has made this treat possible.

Have an having-a-great-vacation day.


  1. My brother lives in Tatamagouche I know how charming it is -have fun

  2. Hello my Dears!
    I phoned you guyes tonight, but I guess you were out galavanting!!
    Tomorrow (Sat) we're at the Annapolis Farmer's market in the AM, Cherry Carnvial in Bear River in the PM and a concert downtown in the evening. We HAVE to go because as Chair of the music society, Larry has to wash the cups and plates after the event!
    So....I'll try you on Sunday. I'm so glad you got here........have a good vacation and dip your toes in that ocean for me! xooxox

  3. Hi Astra,
    I'm not near the internet often. Your brother is lucky. It is completely charming.

    Take care,


  4. Hi Karen,

    Thanks so much. I am just loving your work.


  5. Hi Flora,

    Cool! I can get my email from time to time, but we'll see you soon. I've followed orders and dipped my toes, even my whole foot in the ocean! So fantastic.

    Love Barbara

  6. What a beautiful building. I can see why you're attracted to it--those colors!

  7. what a pretty cafe. I hope you have an amazing holiday. Cant wait to get out to NS myself in August....i feel more paintings coming on from that region. heh heh.

  8. What a beautiful place! Have fun :-D

  9. Hi Laura,

    Thanks so much. I do miss seeing your blog, but we are so rarely into the cafe to use the internet, that I just can't get back into my routine until August. I might post again,
    but it's not so easy here in Nova Scotia.

    Take care,


  10. Hi Sally,

    I don't get much of a chance to reply, but thanks so much. Nova Scotia is so beautiful.

    Take care,


  11. Hi Liz,

    Thanks so much. Are you down Chicago way. I may get there this fall.

    Take care,


  12. I'm with you Barbara. We go to Parrsboro and I feel the same way about that area. We're always thinking of driving up to Pugwash but never get there. I'm feeling the lure. There's a fabulous little Cafe in Five Islands with art, good food and free internet. There's also a wonderful place called the Dutchman's Cheese Farm in Upper Economy that is worth a vist and the cheese is incredible.
    Hope your vacation is awesome and I don't see how it could be any other way up there in God's country.

  13. I know you're on holidays (and I'm sure you're enjoying every minute!) but I just wanted to tell you I miss your posts. Can't wait till you return : )


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