Monday, February 7, 2011

Loving my dog tired dog


Let sleeping dogs lie
 charcoal on bond paper
14 x 16 inches
Barbara Muir © 2011

I bought my dog Zoey a fuzzy mat to put in front of
the heat vent in the kitchen.  It is chilly here -- 27 below
zero Celsius with the wind chill, and warm spots are
in high demand with my dog and two cats.  The cats
have little beds over the heaters.  They weigh 7 and
9 pounds respectively, and our 60 pound dog had taken
to lying on their beds. But we didn't want a great big
dog bed in the kitchen, so the mat is small, and not quite
right for Zoey.

Ah well.  I needed a live model, and she was it for this
sketch.  I am dog tired myself after a day of teaching,
but what amazing things my students are doing.  They
are without a doubt an inspiration.  So for today let's
concentrate on loving our pets... they can 100% show
us how to relax.

Have a loving-the-relaxing-moments day.


  1. Hi Liz,

    Thanks so much. I'm so glad you like it.


  2. It's a good thing to hunker down in sub zero weather - humans like their comfort creatures too!
    I like Zoes body language - you caught it!
    love, Marcia

  3. Hi Marcia,

    This human likes a good book, a warm
    duvet and a good cup of coffee.

    Glad you like Zoey's body language. She's a terrible model -- moves every five seconds, but I love her.

    Love Barbara


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