Friday, March 11, 2011

More pictures from Ayr

 Nicki Ault took this shot of me with 
and Water Image #1, which I brought to Ayr to 
 show her because she'd wanted to come to 
my studio, but didn't have enough time.

A  week ago I was a guest of Joyce Fournier, Studio Vogue
Gallery's Director at the The Artist Project Opening night
party and saw 200 artists in their booths displaying a fantastic
variety of art.  Joyce is predominantly known as a figurative artist.
She featured both superb portraits and exuberant floral still life
work in her booth. Then the next day we drove to Ayr for the
International Women Celebrate show to meet the wonderful
women in the show. I felt such a connection with the other artists
and was thrilled to meet them. I'm  sorry I didn't get to meet more
of the 107 people in the show, but I did meet and enjoyed talking
to quite a few.
 The blogger friends meet one another in Ayr -- so much fun.

One of the bloggers who I have become friends with over more
than a year of commenting on one another's blogs, is Nicki
Ault from Saskatoon.  Nicki got a lot of well deserved media
attention for her beautiful piece in the show, and was on TV,
in the paper, and featured in another online International Show.
 Nicki Ault, with her self-portrait called
In My Aura Ayrspace, in Ayr Ontario
Acrylic and oil and collage on board
24 x 24 inches
Nicki Ault © 2011

Nicki sent me these photos of the event taken from her camera
(I'm sorry I don't know who took the shots), and said I could
share them with you. 

Nicki took this shot of my painting
Ready for Joy as it was
displayed at Ayrspace with my fellow artists

So all in all it was a major art weekend, as I saw the work of
more than 300 artists.  A big shout out to the women
who took part in the International Women Celebrate
show, and to Nicki Ault for sharing these wonderful
photos with me, and now with you.

Have a loving-your-friends-and-being-glad-you-do day.


  1. Thank you for sharing these photographs, Barbara. One really gets a good idea of how it must have been and how much fun you all had together. And YOU look so radiant, young and full of joy! Love your paintings!

  2. Hi Barbara,

    I didn't realize just how busy you were last weekend! It was a thrill to meet you... I only wish we had more time. And I, too, wish I was able to chat with more of the artists that were in Ayr. What amazing women and stories.

    Thank you so much for bringing the two water paintings to show me. They are magnificent and were a real treat to study up close. I'll be back your way someday and you can be sure I will be wiggling my way onto your calendar!

    Take care,

    Nicki XO

  3. Sounds to me like the perfect weekend!

  4. Barbara, the show is beautiful and you're fabulous. Congratulations.


  5. Hi Liza,

    It was so fun meeting the women. Such interesting stories and a terrific exchange of ideas on art, and all the other things women talk and laugh about.

    Wish you'd been there!


  6. Hi Nicki,

    Thanks so much for these great photos. You were at least as busy as me, and came from right across the country to get there. That was over the top impressive in my books. But it's true that there was a lot going on. Still as a mother of two boys, and an artist, and an employee, you live an even more demanding life.

    I stand in awe.


  7. Hi Laura,

    It was perfect. It was kind of hard to touch down afterward. I'm not sure I have yet. I wish you'd been there. We would have had some fun.


  8. Hi Josephine,

    Thank you. You are fabulous too.



  9. Water images 1 and 2 look pretty sick* to me, Barbara!

    *California speak. "Sick" means damn good!


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