Series: The conversation continues
Left to right: Listening across oceans, Late night in Norway,
The best news right here
Acrylic on canvas
90 x 30 inches (30 x 30 x 3)
Barbara Muir © 2011
This has been a long day -- seeing my dear one off in the early
morning light at about five a.m. I stood in the shortest line
ever for my passport (two -- one of whom was me), and was
friends with the guard at the desk at the end of our five minute
chat. Then a quick drive home and off to the neighbourhood
coffee meeting to talk about art and dance and hear snippets
of conversation about environmental disasters and taxes, and
the stuff of life. The coffee, like the conversation, was excellent
and I felt my blood speed up as I drank it and listened -- my third cup
-- the most I should drink.
After an afternoon wrapping up the end of term bits and
pieces and handing out chocolate at school, I enjoyed a great dinner
with Sam, some fun phone calls, and now I'm off to watch Jon Stewart.
Painting will have to wait until tomorrow.
The best news of the day -- my women (above) have arrived in
New York and all is well. I'll be reunited with them next week
at the opening. I cannot contain my excitement.
Tonight I'm showing you how my paintings will look
together on the wall. They re 90 inches wide end to end, quite
wide. When I talk to Steven on Skype I take hundreds of pictures
with Grab on my Mac. After we hang up, I can almost watch the
conversation again. It would take a big gallery to convey that feeling
in paint. These three paintings based on images from conversations
with my friend in Norway are a distillation of that experience. The
world is both larger and more intimate because of this relatively new reality.
Have a loving-the-ins-and-outs-of-your-day day.