Sunday, May 1, 2011

Paintings off to Studio Vogue plus pink tulips

Two of my paintings capturing my love of the city I
live in were juried into the My Toronto show at
Studio Vogue, and Friday I dropped them off with
Joyce Fournier, the gallery curator/owner.  I'm showing
you the final version of the most recent one Backyard
Cherrywood Just Spring below.  We enjoyed
a great chat.  Earlier in the week Joyce hosted a
screening of a Jeremy Lipking video, and portrait
painters like me came out to watch a very in-depth
look at his techniques.  The great news is that Joyce
plans to hold more of the evenings and I've
already put in a request to see a Bob Burridge video
if she can get permission to show a longer one.
Backyard Cherrywood just spring
(final version)
Acrylic on canvas
24 x 24 inches
Barbara Muir © 2011

I've been fighting off a touch of the flu for the past week,
and so far I'm winning, but I recommend my
herbalist's brew of three slices of a real lemon,
two (or more) teaspoons of maple syrup (he insists
that it should be organic) and cayenne pepper.
Don't overdo it on the cayenne -- although this is
the ingredient that really makes you feel better.

Newly pink (work in progress)
Acrylic on wood panel
5 x 5 inches
Barbara Muir © 2011
(I see some changes I'll make to this one
Here is a little painting of the brilliant pink
tulips that have graced my kitchen this week.
They're almost finished now, but this is how they
looked when they were new last weekend,
nestled tight into their generous leaves.

Have an enjoying-the-promise-of-May day.
P.S. If you're Canadian, please vote May 2.


  1. Sorry to hear you're not feeling right on top. Thanks tho for the recipe. Ya never know when something like that is going to be necessary.
    The tulips are wonderful. The picture of the Robin is right here where I see it every day. Love it as much right now as I did when it came to live here.

  2. Luscious tulips! The yards look so fantastic now with these gems popping up everywhere ; ) Sorry to hear you're not well. I've been battling a cough/head cold. I'll add one more recipe to yours (and I will try yours tonight!). Ginger tea. If you really like ginger, make it the strong way with a good dose of ginger powder mixed with boiling water - some honey if you need it. If you don't like it too strong, just slice ginger root and let it steep for a bit. This really warms you up and makes your stomach feel better too : )

  3. These two are both beauties, Barbara! Such happiness!!! May you heal quickly...

  4. What a joyous painting of the backyard. I love the two whimsical chairs and I am going to imagine that you and I are sitting in them having a great big catch-up session!

    XO Nicki

  5. Hi Eldon,

    Thanks a lot. Loved your tractor videos. So neat to see how you proceed, and your very cool brushwork. Glad you like the painting. I am so glad we met through the blog that summer.

    Take care,


  6. Hi Kim,

    Thanks for the ginger tea recipe. I seem to be on the mend, but both Sam and his friend were ill, so I am probably fighting off a second round as he brought it home from university.

    Yes the scene I painted a couple of weeks ago is now greening -- that delicious new spring, splotchy not filled in green, and I wish I had time to capture it, but don't this week. I better take some pictures. Love your work.


  7. Hi Linny,

    The happiness remains. Hard not to be happy when the land is bursting with colour, and I have a Linnyland scene out my front door, but more about that another day!


  8. Hi Nicki,

    I like your imagination -- that was what I hoped people would imagine when I put the chairs in.

    Actually there's quite a nice bench again the garage wall, and we might choose to sit there and have a glass of wine under the cherry tree. By this time I'd have won the lottery, and we'd call a limo to take you back to your hotel. Or...we could just have a glass of wine under the cherry tree, or a cup of tea if you had to drive. At any rate lets hold that thought!


  9. The backyard scene is so joyous as are the tulips. I'm really looking forward to our meeting and seeing your wonderful paintings in person. By the way, not sure i've commented before on the skype portrait with the couple, but i love the way you've handled it, it has a natural energy, so easy looking ....yet so hard to do! Congrats on being in the shows.


Your thoughts and positive comments make my day. Thank you for stopping by.