Friday, July 8, 2011

Mirror Neurons, the happiness factor and next person in the portrait

 At the party (detail Jochen)
Acrylic on canvas
36 x 48 inches
Barbara Muir © 2011
(I do need to get better
photos of this painting, and
will in the next month or so.)

Did you know there's a reason not to be negative and
angry for trivial reasons.  Your nasty moods can
spread through an observer's mirror neurons.
What are they?  According to the article Why
I feel your pain: secondhand stress and how it spreads
by Mark Fenske in the Globe and Mail yesterday they
are neurons in our brains that react or "mirror" the
emotional signals put out by others.  So if you are
happy, sunny, cheerful, singing, loving -- others may
unwillingly "catch" that mood and be forced to go through
their day smiling,whistling, dancing, singing, and just
generally acting silly and happy.  Hmmm.  I don't know
about you, but if I am choosing who to mirror
it's going to be the happy people.

That's why I like the happy smile on the second
portrait in the large portrait At the party, which
went home yesterday.

Jochen, the father in the family, is an expert with
horses, and started the Saddlery business he and
his wife run, after noticing that poorly made saddles
can hurt a horse's performance in competitions.
He has a wonderful twinkle in his eye, and a joyous
smile that lets you know he loves his family, his work,
and loves life.

Have a mirroring-good-moods-day.


  1. I love this unveiling! Two down, two to go. This man has a wonderful smile. You really captured a warmth in his eyes.

    Have a great weekend.


  2. he looks good, and i dont know him but you've captured the feeling of the person you've described. Cant wait to see the whole thing!

  3. Hi Nicki,

    Any chance you can move to Toronto?
    Thank you so much. I really like his smile. I'm glad you do too.

    XO Barbara

  4. Hi Sally,

    Thanks so much. More to come. I really appreciate your encouragement.

    XO Barbara


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