Monday, July 11, 2011

Why it matters

 At the party
Acrylic on canvas
36 x 48 inches (3 x 4 feet)
Barbara Muir © 2011
There are a million reasons to commission a
portrait.  I know some of them from the paintings
I've done over the years -- but one of the most moving
jobs is to paint a commission based on nostalgia.
Some people want to capture their children as
they are, or a moment in time when their parents
were young.  What I've begun to realize is that even
when they start out for a formal reason, all portraits
end up being emotional and sentimental.  I think
my youngest likes living in a room covered in
portraits of himself at different stages in his life.
Whether they were quick sketches or longer studies,
bits of his life are there in a much more powerful
way than a snapshot can convey.

Edward B. Gordon posted a moving portrait on his
blog today of the actress Maria Kwiatkowsky. She
died on July 4th, at 26 years old.  Edward did a
series of small portraits of her for his blog and he
made her live for his readers.

I am posting the full painting of my At the party
today, which captures the joyous feeling of a loving
family out for a special evening.  The painting
conveys a moment in time that is already history
because the young women are growing up, and have
changed of course. I'm glad that in the painting they are
happy and enjoying their family.  I wish them a lifetime
of happiness.

Have a creating-joyous-and-meaningful-work day.


Diane Hoeptner said...

I imagine your client(s) were thrilled with it-- The portrait has wonderful color harmony and much heart.

Linda Popple said...

Beautiful portrait, Barbara, with nice commentary!

laura said...

Another radiant painting ... I like how they're all touching each other!

Anonymous said...

really beautiful Barbara! It came together so well...and i KNOW that wasn't easy. You are so brave to tackle it, it's a wonderful tribute to their family.

Linny D. Vine said...

Fabulous, Barbara - I'm certain that you have a whole new set of happy clients!!

Nicki said...

It's so beautiful, Barbara. They look happy and like they enjoy each other so much. I'm sure they are thrilled. I hope this brings you more commissions and even more success.

It was a sad announcement that Edward made on his blog. I saw that, too. I didn't realize how young she was. Tragic.

Have a great Tuesday.

XO Nicki

Kim Rempel said...

Wow - what a brave artist you are - that job would have terrified me! : O You did a fantastic job and the painting is filled with warmth, sparkle and love. And beautiful words as well ; ) Thanks for always composing such thoughtful posts!

Karen Bruson said...

Very nice.

Barbara Muir said...

Hi Diane,

Thank you. I'm delighted that you like it. I love your work.

Take care,


Barbara Muir said...

Hi Linda,

I have been loving your portraits on Facebook. Fabulous.

XO Barbara

Barbara Muir said...

Hi Laura,

Thank you. I like that too. They are a very close family.

I love your recent work. Well all of your work as you know.

XO Barbara

Barbara Muir said...

Hi Sally,

Thanks so much. You know I love your portraits. I am really happy with how this one turned out.

XO Barbara

Barbara Muir said...

Hi Linny,

Thank you so much. You are wonderful, and I love your recent paintings. They make me feel so upbeat and convinced that life is great when I see them.

XO Barbara

Barbara Muir said...

Hi Nicki,

Thank you so much. I love the work both drawings and paintings that you did on your art holiday. I also love your descriptions of how you felt. I could almost imagine being there, but if I had been, you might not have accomplished so much!!!

XO Barbara

Barbara Muir said...

Hi Kim,

Thanks so much. I don't know what you mean. You are always tackling subjects I can't imagine handling, and doing so perfectly. You are sweet.

XO Barbara

Barbara Muir said...

Hi Karen,

Thanks so much. I wish I had a better photograph, but that's something I'll have to work on. Loved your last painting, and you know I love all of your work.

XO Barbara

cohen labelle said...

I enjoyed meeting the soloists one by one as they made their appearance and I loved seeing them as an ensemble! Great painting!!!
love, Marcia

eldon warren said...

Cool, a little at a time and this is the final result. Awesome as per normal. Thanks Barbara.

Barbara Muir said...

Hi Marcia,

Thanks so much. You think of it in a musical way -- which is a treat. You know how much I appreciate your support and your beautiful work.

Love Barbara

Barbara Muir said...

Hi Eldon,

My dear friend, I am always happy when I read your comments.

Take care,


Portrait Artist

My photo
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I paint and draw on commission and for shows. To commission a portrait, or purchase one of my paintings please contact me at:
A major highlight in my career? Drawing Oprah Winfrey live via Skype for her show "Where in the Skype are you? Galleries: Studio Vogue Gallery, Toronto, Canada. The Amsterdam Whitney Gallery, New York City. Gallery at the Porch Door, Kingston, Canada. Your positive comments on this blog mean the world to me. I'd love to hear from you!