Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Needing a grace period

 More flowers from Ken's garden (work in progress)
 Acrylic on canvas
8 x 8 inches
Barbara Muir © 2011

My dear friends I'm holiday.  This is my last week,
and I promise to get back to everyone who has written me,
who has commented on my blog, and whose blogs I haven't
been able to comment on.  A few of you have listed me in
posts of favorite artists.  Thank you so much.  But I
need a grace period to respond because I'm in the wilds
(very civilized wilds) of Nova Scotia, with internet access
only at a café where I buy a quick iced tea or a sandwich,
and that doesn't give me much time for posting my
blog, or checking my email. 

So I need a little grace period.  I'm back at work next week,
and back in full internet capacity.  But yesterday I found
my husband sitting on the back deck staring at the clouds.
The smell of clover and wild roses was in the air, and
I realized we'd reached that ideal point in the vacation when
most of what is on your mind is not anything of huge import.
Just breathing, visiting, enjoying.  And then we're off on
the big journey home.  And in a way, a profound way, this
whole time away has been a grace period -- a complete
break from the hurry and scurry of our normal life.  For that
I am incredibly grateful, and for your kind thoughts that
bolster me in peace and in activity, I am also grateful.

Have a being-grateful-for-your-life day.


  1. And I am grateful for your visit and your friendship Barbara. It was so wonderful to see you and Steven again....next year for longer, for sure!

  2. Enjoy your holiday, Barbara, that is what summer is all about. : )

  3. Oh Barbara, I am so thrilled for you. You sound relaxed, calm and happy. Enjoy the rest of your holiday. Join Steven on the deck and savour the clouds and the smells. Take as much of a grace period as you need.

    XO Nicki XO

  4. I enjoyed reading this post and think it is wonderful. We all need to take a breath and have a grace period. Enjoy your blog- beautiful artwork.

  5. Hi Flora,

    I am trying to hard to stave off the overwhelming sadness we feel leaving, like being ripped away from a welcoming home. But as soon as it's time to go, my heart also starts leaning towards Toronto. Thank you for being my wonderful artist friend. We found your brochure and the Flight of Fancy's at the big tourist place when you come into Nova Scotia. Pretty impressive.


  6. Hi Nancy,

    Thanks so much. It has been this summer. Woo Hoo! Have fun yourself. I love your work.

    XO Barbara

  7. Hi Nicki,

    We've got heavy cloud cover today. So it doesn't take special effort. It's time to pack up -- a kind of art in itself.

    I'll catch up next week.

    XO Barbara

  8. Hi Kathy,
    Thanks so much. I hope you've had a grace period of your own. Your work is great.

    XO Barbara


Your thoughts and positive comments make my day. Thank you for stopping by.