Love on the High Line
Acrylic on canvas
36 x 48 inches
Barbara Muir © 2011
It's been a stressful day. So much going on, and many things
that could go wrong, doing so in a kind of domino effect.
Lack of sleep from excitement could be part of it. I love
Halloween. I think it's brilliant of us, especially in northern
climates (for goodness sake there was snow in the Maritimes
this past weekend) to designate a day for silly. Some people
get their trousers in a twist (get upset) about the message,
but the message here is incredibly simple -- let's have fun.
So we have orange pumpkin luminarias lining the walk to the house,
and a big pumpkin carved with a cheerful smiling face. Our next
door neighbour jumped out cackling at me in her perfect witch's
costume, complete with green face and hair and surprised me. Then I
laughed so hard. Her porch is super decorated, skeletons and lots of cobwebs,
carved pumpkins all down the steps.
I was walking along earlier today dashing from one errand
to the next, my neck tense when I saw a woman
walking along with a young boy in a giraffe costume.
The boy was so blissfully happy, and his mother beamed at
him in delight. Suddenly I caught the mood, started smiling
and couldn't stop. It's been a lovely day ever since.
The painting I'm showing you today is called Love on the High Line NYC.
You can come out and see it in the wonderful show Gill Cameron and
I are having at Studio Vogue Gallery 216 Avenue Road. The opening is
this Saturday between 5 and 7 p.m.
I don't have any Halloween pictures to show you, but I'll put some
in tomorrow.
Have a loving-the-idea-of-a-day-for-silly day.