Friday, December 30, 2011

The whole thought

What's my point?  You can't follow someone else
in art.  Of course you can -- but only you are you
in the whole world -- and however you paint, draw,
sculpt is right for you.  I have a feeling there will
be more advice along these lines coming from
yours truly.   Hope you're having fun.

Take your own direction.
Have a taking-your-own-direction day.


  1. I haven't created any resolutions yet so this'll be it! Happy New Year.

  2. I'm really enjoying your new and clever vlogging.

    You are an original. No need for you to follow anyone, that's for sure!

    So, may you lead yourself and survey new metaphorical landscapes in this brand new year.

    Wishing you all the best and may you and yours enjoy peace, good health, and more good times together.

  3. I don't know if we have any other choice. When I try to follow another, it doesn't work.
    Happy New Year!

  4. Hi Chris,

    Good resolution. Happy New Year to you!

    XO Barbara

  5. Hi Melinda,

    Thanks so much. I hope I can lead myself somewhere great. But I do feel like a dream I had many years ago of a bunch of people holding hands in a long line happily stepping forward together and then raising their arms hands still held and cheering is coming true through the internet. You are definitely part of that magic happy dance of art. Happy New Year.


  6. Hi Karen,

    But we all try to follow. We probably get into the game because of admiration for another. It's enough for a while, but then we need to step out of the shadow. Plus I think this is a recurring phenomenon in any artist's, any person's life to a degree.

    Happy New Year. You are superb on your own. Awesome.

    XO Barbara


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