Thursday, April 19, 2012

Don't let it get away, and the start of something great

iPad drawing
8 x 10 inches
Barbara Muir © 2012
It's been a nutty week in paradise.  (You know I live in
Toronto -- in case you were wondering where paradise is.)
Well for an artist spring just breaking out in its soft, sunlit
green, and back lit flowering trees,  with brilliant blue skies
is paradise anywhere. Nutty? I guess I mean busy -- not the
standard elevator 'busy -- yep, really, really busy,' but the real
thing.  When the to-do lists get too long, I crave the quiet of
 a good read, and maybe even a nap.  But I know the happiest
 people are busy, perhaps not raggedly so, but in fairly constant
 motion.  That applies. So I'm not letting the week fly away without
talking to you.
 Unnamed painting (work in progress)
(Stage 2)
Acrylic on canvas
30 x 30 inches
Barbara Muir © 2012
(A bit more thought to the sky, and
I've started the underpainting on the hair.)
It's the end of term, exam week -- heavy marking and also
so much to do on the art side.  So I am showing you a
quick sketch I did on my iPad tonight and a canvas at
the beginning of a new painting.  I hope it will be something
 great, because the subject is an absolutely beautiful girl,
 in every sense ofthe word -- just a spectacular person.
 Inspiring -- and that'swhat we artists love.  Right?  Thanks
for always inspiring me. I love your work.
Unnamed painting (work in progress)
Stage 1
Acrylic on canvas
30 x 30 inches
Barbara Muir © 2012
(Here I have painted the ground and
drawn a rough sketch in charcoal,
then painted some of the lines, and
a bit of the underpainting for the sky.)
Have a loving-the-unfolding-of-spring-in-your-paradise day.


  1. Hi Barbara
    I marvel at how much you accomplish, get done! - the marking, the painting, multi tasker - whew - the painting is wonderful - you truly are a dynamo, a whirl!

    love, marcia (e.e. cummings font)

  2. I always love it when you share your process. This is looking really good!

    I'm with Marcia. You are amazing to be able to do so much. Do you have a secret you could share?!

    Virtual hugs...

  3. Hi Marcia,
    Thanks. I'm glad you like my beginnings.

    I am also very impressed with all that you do. Mutual admiration society -- like it.


    Barbara e.e. Muir

  4. Hi Melinda,

    A very good friend told me to up the Vitamin B. This has made me feel more optimistic. Optimism seems to lead to creativity and problem solving. My secret? One hot chocolate made with one heaping teaspon of Fry's cocoa, and one teaspoon flat of organic sugar, and boiling water, and skim milk to taste. When I drink this mixture, I feel like I've eaten a chocolate bar, but I haven't. Way fewer calories. In hot weather don't know. My secret is to read every chance I can get -- outside of work reading. Oh my I could go on and on, but I think I should save some secrets for next time. But hey what's your secret because you astound me with your productivity and prodigious talent?
    This whole discussion is a delight.
    Funny and true.



Your thoughts and positive comments make my day. Thank you for stopping by.