Good cat with a good book
iPad drawing
8 x 10 inches
Barbara Muir © 2012
The drawing today is of my cat Timbah, my loyal
companion as I've tried to shake off what started
as a cold and progressed to what my doctor calls
walking pneumonia. After three long weeks
of feeling quite physically wiped, I am now on
an antibiotic (thank you doctor) and can expect
to be back to my chirpy, zippy self in a few days.
My husband keeps asking me when I'm going to
blog again. I've been looking at him in desperation,
first coughing, then with full blown laryngitis, and
then this lingering lack of oomph. So okay Steven
and everyone else. I'm back, and hope that soon
I'll make up for lost time. Meanwhile. Take care of
yourselves. I have missed you and your work so much.
Have an enjoying-your-good-health day