Good cat with a good book
iPad drawing
8 x 10 inches
Barbara Muir © 2012
The drawing today is of my cat Timbah, my loyal
companion as I've tried to shake off what started
as a cold and progressed to what my doctor calls
walking pneumonia. After three long weeks
of feeling quite physically wiped, I am now on
an antibiotic (thank you doctor) and can expect
to be back to my chirpy, zippy self in a few days.
My husband keeps asking me when I'm going to
blog again. I've been looking at him in desperation,
first coughing, then with full blown laryngitis, and
then this lingering lack of oomph. So okay Steven
and everyone else. I'm back, and hope that soon
I'll make up for lost time. Meanwhile. Take care of
yourselves. I have missed you and your work so much.
Have an enjoying-your-good-health day
I'm glad you are back, but don't push yourself! Take care!
Aww, Barbara I am really sorry to hear how miserable you have been with your cold. You will be on the mend soon now you've got the drugs...ha ha. Dont worry about blogging until you feel really well again; pressure to post is no fun at all! save your energy for painting. we miss you, but we can wait til you're 100%. Pretty i-pad Simba though.
Very cool!!!
Hi Nicki,
Thanks so much. Love your big painting.
XO Barbara
Hi Sally,
Thanks so much. It has been a bit harsh these past few weeks. Yes I am feeling a bit better.
I will take care of myself. I don't have much choice in that. Love your paintings.
XO Barbara
Thanks so much Heather. I think your work is very cool.
Take care,
Oh, dear! That is just wretched to have a cold turn so ugly. I'm so glad that you have good meds and are on the mend.
I love how wonderful your iPad paintings look. You have a knack, and Timbah is the best.
Take good care of yourself. We'll be here looking forward to your "chirpy" self.
Warm hugs!
Get better soon Barbara. Don't push the blogging.
Hi Melinda,
It has been a rough ride. Thanks for your support. Nice thing about the iPad is you can use when you're supposed to rest. So perhaps I'll do more (resting and drawing). Timbah is wonderful, very vigilant and so my dear Fiona, and Zoey have been with me too. The antibiotics are starting to work, and my greatest happiness is a tiny bit of energy returning. My doctor said "but you're never sick!" and I now realize how lucky I have been.
Hi Sheila,
Thank you. I don't have a lot of push at the moment. It comes in short spurts and then I'm flagged again. I love your work so much. Your portrait of yourself is spectacular. I somehow thought that the women would be around you in this project. It is so exciting.
XO Barbara
Walking pneumonia?!! That is VERY serious! I'm so glad you went to the doctor and are now on meds. Be good to yourself and rest up. A time for everything. Hugs!
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