After the wedding
Watercolour and marker
on Arches watercolour paper
6 x 10 inches
Barbara Muir © 2012
(The day after Megan and Christopher's
wedding we had lunch in a lovely
restaurant in Wellington, Ontario
called East & Main. They do
not have checkered placemats, but
beige, woven mats. The artist
needs some colour. The tomato
and cheese salad in the background
is sooooo good.)
What I do is paint. You know that. Everythingelse I do gets squeezed in between painting and
painting. We painters are more than a little crazy.
We not only do this strange job, but we make up
all sorts of rules about how to do it, and how to
succeed at it. Then we elect the gods of our craft
(and that's true of all the arts) and we revere those
people. Meanwhile we keep on keeping on painting.
It is such a part of our painting lives. If you're
reading this and you don't paint, don't be envious.
Maybe you obsess about something else --
building fences, or writing poems, or living the
good life. For us, it is the paint, what makes the
paint do what we want to do. That's our day-to-day
call --how can we make that paint follow our
thoughts, or our thoughts follow the paint, and
ultimately when can we paint again. I'm going to
bed. I'll paint again tomorrow.
Have a doing-what-you-do day.