Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Roses in a crystal jug

 Roses in a crystal jug
9 x 12 inches
Barbara Muir © 2013

I wrote a cheerful blog on Monday, which was the Victoria Day
holiday here. But sad news hit that day with the Tornado in
Oklahoma. My heart goes out to the people in Moore after
this horrendous storm. To donate to the Red Cross Disaster
Relief fund click here.

I decided to change my blog, and leave it at this.  Take
care everyone and stay safe.

XO Barbara


  1. So much sad news : (
    Your painting is lovely Barbara.

  2. many prayers go out to those folks in Moore. Such a frightening experience! your delicate rose is a beacon of fragility...fitting.

  3. lovely light-filled painting--the quick (or it looks quick anyway) way you've indicated the cut crystal is wonderful: the mark of a confident painter.

  4. Hi Kim,

    I think it's our job to try and stay positive. Artists like you bring beauty into the world. And that's what's needed.

    XO Barbara

  5. Hi Sally,

    Thank you. Yes our prayers go out to the people in Moore, and people suffering all over the world.

    XO Barbara

  6. Hi Laura,

    I was tempted back into pure watercolour by your work. The piece was looking a bit weak to me, so I dashed on the colour in the glass, and that made me happy. I am always thinking of a friend who says she likes volume. I hear that voice in my head, and go 'Hmmm -- so how do I get some?' So glad you like it. That made my day.

    XO Barbara


Your thoughts and positive comments make my day. Thank you for stopping by.