Monday, January 20, 2014

Cure for the deepfreeze -- Hot lemon!

 Lime in the middle
Acrylic on birch panel
5 x 7 inches
Barbara Muir © 2014
This is a short one today because I'm
feeling a bit tired.  My herbalist's cure for
staving off flu, curing a cold, or in general
feeling better -- is hot lemon.  His recipe
calls for a mug of boiling water, at least
three slices of organic lemon, organic
maple syrup to taste, and cayenne pepper,
just a few shakes.

It's pretty effective.  So I'm going to go
and have one right now.  The painting tonight
is of some lovely lemons with their citrus
sisters, mandarins and limes.  It's all good.
I added a bit of Caribbean blue, for what
would be certain to make us forget the cold.
It's minus 25 Celsius here tonight.

Have an enjoying-a-hot-lemon day


  1. Yes! For sure a pick me upper. That concoction sounds tempting - and the still life is every bit as inviting.
    As for the lime in the middle I give the pie maker in your family permission to make key lime with it but not until you've released it from posing that is.
    Of course It's no wonder you're a bit tired with the schedule you keep!
    I'd be flat out doing half as much.


  2. Hi Marcia,

    I should be ashamed to admit it, but I'm not. The limes in our house never get around to much more than posing. We are more likely to consume the other citrus friends. The limes come in as a visual accent, and only if a true lime lover visits do they make it into the side of a drink or limeade. Okay I am starting to feel a bit guilty.




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