Monday, April 28, 2014

Wonder Water Image #1 Takes flight

 Wonder Water Image #1
Acrylic on canvas
30 x 30 inches
Barbara Muir © 2014
For the last while I've been working on the series
I showed you yesterday -- Wonder Water
Images #1,#2, and #3.  So much in these
portraits depends on the super people who
model for me, and on the location on one
of the oceans where the person would
like to be.

Here it is my final painting for New York,
Wonder Water Image #1. I'm really happy
with how she turned out, and added to
the series.  She is winging her way to New
York City, and I'll join her next week.
Thank you to the fantastic women who
worked on this with me loaning me their
time, their lovely faces, and talking with
me about oceans. 

Now back to work.

Have a loving-the-work-you-do day.


Unknown said...

beautiful Barbara! Have a wonderful time in New York. exciting.

Kim Rempel said...

She turned out beautifully. Such warmth and lush, beautiful colour. They will look STUNNING in NY.

Flora Doehler said...

This is beautiful and radiant...kind of like you Barbara! Have a wonderful time in New York! We're off to Montreal for an art and family 'fix'.
Thanks for your blog.

Laurel Daniel said...

This series is absolutely gorgeous and I know you will do great with it on NY! I wish you all the very best with the show and your visit. Woo HOO!! Wish I could be there! XOXOXO

Barbara Muir said...

Thank you Sally,

I will, and I'll be thinking of you, hoping to walk through that turquoise door soon. Love your work!


Barbara Muir said...

Hi Kim,

Thank you so much! I hope I get to talk to you this week. The long winter is over (although it wad too cold for the
pansies last night -- I had to bring them in). Love your work!


Barbara Muir said...

Hi Flora,

I am so torn. Would love to take off to Montreal and see you. I'm glad you like her. I love your blog and thank you for everything!


Barbara Muir said...

Hi Laurel,

Woo Hoo, some time I better come down and have a show in Texas! (Just heard the song in my head -- "That's right you're not from Texas, Texas wants you anyway!") I do of course mean a show with you in Texas. That would be so much fun! But let's start with coffee anywhere in the USA or Canada.
;-) XOXOXOXOXO Love your work!

Wendy Barrett said...

Another stunning addition to your series Barbara! Such sumptuous lushness in the colours and the whole thing vibrates with energy. I can smell the salty breeze when I look at this painting. Have a great time in New York!

laura said...

Great idea for a series, and you've conceptualized and executed beautifully. The way you paint people, I always feel like I'm seeing so much in them, radiating out.
Have a grand time in my old hometown!

Barbara Muir said...

Hi Wendy,

I love your illustrations for Easter cards. Maybe you should publish them yourself. Up in the northern climate here pansies in pots are almost the only things in bloom. It is a late, late spring. In fact I had to bring my pansies in the other day -- too cold. Strange to think of it getting cold there, just as we are crossing our fingers for warmth.

XOXOXO Barbara

Barbara Muir said...

Hi Laura,

Thank you so much. I will have a grand time, and I sure wish it was still your home town. Love your work -- your daffodils so much.


Karen Bruson said...


Barbara Muir said...

Thank you Karen. I love your work!


Portrait Artist

My photo
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
I paint and draw on commission and for shows. To commission a portrait, or purchase one of my paintings please contact me at:
A major highlight in my career? Drawing Oprah Winfrey live via Skype for her show "Where in the Skype are you? Galleries: Studio Vogue Gallery, Toronto, Canada. The Amsterdam Whitney Gallery, New York City. Gallery at the Porch Door, Kingston, Canada. Your positive comments on this blog mean the world to me. I'd love to hear from you!