Monday, September 29, 2014

Sketching and the 3Rs

Timbah wants up
Acrylic and black marker on
bond paper
8 x 10 inches
Barbara Muir © 2014
I'm working on a portrait that is very slowly
coming together.  Wait!  I keep saying to myself.
Don't worry.  But meanwhile what do I put on
my blog?  Many of my blog friends do challenges.
This seems to be productive.  I volunteered for
a challenge to meditate every day, and am still
going four months after that began.  So tonight
I mused about challenging myself to draw every
day.  I can't make that binding because I am really
busy right now -- but I thought tonight I'd draw on
a piece of paper I'd used as a palette, and let the
awesome blue that was trying out to be a sky set
the tone.

The 3Rs?  Reduce, Reuse, Recycle.  So I reduced my
challenge  (just tonight for sure ;-) I reused a piece of
paper used as a palette.  And I will eventually recycle
that too.  How about you?  What challenges can you
accept, and which ones do you have to refuse?

Have a loving-the-challenges-you-accept day.
P.S.  Timbah loves my husband Steven's shoulders.
He's a big cat, and one rear leg is a bit weak.
In this picture Steven is both helping Timbah onto
his shoulder and holding him there. 


  1. Barbara, this is a lovely sketch! Please don't recycle it!
    Keep it for one of your sons - I'm sure one of them would love to have it. Apart from that I'm all for the 3Rs, of course. Take care, love Liza

  2. Hi Liza,

    I was recycling the paper I use for a palette. I always feel sad when I put a page with a field of paint on it into the recycling box. So I did recycle it. I drew on it. You are sweet. I will keep it.

    I love your work. Your portrait is stunning.

    XOXOXOXOXO Barbara

  3. Love, love, love this. Great gesture and colour.

  4. Hi Kim,

    Thanks so much. I read Linny D. Vine's blog yesterday, and she talked about wondering where the red was in a recent painting. Working on
    blue is not my thing, but I just wanted to draw on a painted page. It was fun.

    XOXOXOXOXO Barbara

  5. if you hadn't mentioned the recycled palette I'd never have guessed.
    My first thought was how wonderfully composed and how I love the abstract quality.
    You also LANDED the gesture of holding the heavy cat with a gimpy leg on the shoulder. What cat person doesn't know this tenuous position!!
    Home run. Frame it!

  6. Hi Mary,

    I may well do it. It is one a piece of paper I use for a palette, but other people use that paper for finished drawings, so there you go.

    Thanks you. I'm glad you like it. Timbah is notorious for leaping on my husband's shoulders.



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