Tuesday, April 7, 2015

99.999% Done

The King's Breakfast 
(almost done)
Acrylic on canvas
24 x 24 inches
Barbara Muir © 2015

Here is The King's Breakfast almost finished -- a few wee
touches to add.  But I can't wait to show it to you.
Watch this space.  If it's completely, completely done
I'll put it on again tomorrow night, and I will be so
stoked -- to be able to say it is done!  Image that
haunts my dreams.

Have a finishing-what-needs-doing day.


  1. Hello dear, bubbly friend, Barbara. For some reason this painting is making me hungry. Perhaps it's meant to.
    But it's beautiful and painterly too and that's what counts. I like the lion eared bunny too, very cute!


  2. it looks scrumptious! the arrangement is great, almost abstract really. I especially love the little silver jug.

  3. Very nice!! I still like that lower right corner ;)

    Curious to see it tomorrow if you post.


  4. This is looking fabulous Barbara!!
    You have such a wonderfully distinctive style!

    Love the call to arms for a getting-what-needs-to-be-done day as that is exactly the kind of day I have earmarked for myself and you have given me courage to go ahead and do it!!

  5. Hi Marcia,

    We artists can be so seasonal eh? Yeah. Had to do the bunny. Glad this painting makes you hungry. Good sign. That oatmeal is for you, although I think it's missing some toppings.


  6. Hi Sally,

    Thank you so much. The jug is why I wanted to be in that hotel! I do love it too.

    Love your work. Talk soon.

    XOXOXOXOXO Barbara

  7. Hi Verna,

    Of course you are in my mind full time when I paint. I do believe the corner's staying. My concession to the abstract artist living inside me somewhere. Love your work.

    XOXOXOXOXO Barbara

  8. Hi Wendy,

    I am coming at this late at night after a long day, and I had to reread my post to find my call to arms. I hope it helped. I've had a busy day, but plan that concentrated effort for tomorrow now.

    Love your work, and your thoughts!

    XOXOXOXOXO Barbara


Your thoughts and positive comments make my day. Thank you for stopping by.