Friday, April 3, 2015

Big doings!

 Steven (left) and Chris climb up on a bookshelf to take 
four pieces that make up Breakfast in the Hotel down.
Yesterday afternoon in what threatened to be
a thunderstorm, but luckily was just rain,
we took down the largest work I've ever done
from St. Clair Printing and Graphics, and brought
it home to the studio to get the paintings ready
for New York City!
Steven and Chris joke around 
before the hard work begins. They
are on a very narrow shelf, and Sam
(not in the picture) stepped in to help.
Major thanks to Chris Chan and Ellen Liew who
run the company -- they are master printers and
designers, and dear friends.  Thanks Chris and Ellen
for being exceptionally kind to my work, and promoting
me in every way possible. And a big thank you to Steven,
my husband and Sam, my son, for helping us get those
 big paintings off the wall, so they can begin to prepare
 for their flight to New York at the end of this month. 
 She's coming down.
The whole painting
Breakfast in the hotel
Acrylic on canvas
6 x 8 feet
Barbara Muir © 2012
Have a shaking-it-up-and-moving-it (carefully) day


  1. I'm happy for you, Barbara. I hope you have a great time in New York. I'll be thinking of you, wishing you every success. The painting looks fabulous!

  2. Thank You Melinda,

    A great time in New York is a guarantee. Such a wonderful place! Wish you could come up for a trip to the MoMA :-)

    Wouldn't that be great!

    XOXOXOXOXO Barbara

  3. I LOVE it! What a great painting Barbara. It will look awesome in New York!

  4. Barbara, your painting looks stunning - lots of panache.
    It must be so nice also to have two able bodied and handsome men at your disposal to disassemble it for its imminent journey to NYC!
    So much fun and excitement, - congratulations!!!

    xoxo, Marcia

  5. Wow, I hadn't realised how huge this foursome was! Big AND beautiful!
    Have a great time in New York you lucky thing!!

  6. Hi Kim,

    Thanks so much. I always meant to show it to you. Any chance you can join me in New York. It's so beautiful in May ;-)


  7. Hi Marcia,

    Thank you. Yes. Actually there were three men, because Sam was there too, and helped immensely. It was fun, and it is exciting.

    I want to see your show!


  8. Hi Wendy,

    Thank you. That is the plan! New York in May is absolutely gorgeous. So is Toronto. Come on over!

    XOXOXOXOXO Barbara

  9. Beautiful pieces Barbara!! Good luck in NYC!

  10. Thanks so much Cathy! I will have fun in New York -- not until May though ;-) Hope to see you soon!

    XOXOXOXOXO Barbara


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