Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Getting out of the corner

Pink light
Acrylic on canvas
Acrylic on canvas 
36 x 12 inches
Barbara Muir © 2015

I teach on Wednesday afternoons and my
students today wrote about getting out of a
creative corner -- viewing the end of the
school term as a creative problem.  Their
ideas were great. I'm going to share some
of them with you because they might help
if you ever get stuck. 

1. Go for a walk.
2. Dance to your favorite music.
3. Have a shower -- feeling clean
makes you feel new.
4. Look at yourself in the mirror
and say, "Hi you're great, you can
do it!"
5.  Leave the project alone
and have a nap.
6. Better yet turn off the light and
go to sleep for the night.
7. Call a supportive friend.
8.  Get over yourself.
9. Make a list of all of your
10. Eat your favorite food.
11.  Make a mind map planning
out what to do.
12.  Write a series of questions
and then wait and write down the
answers as they come to you.
13. Take a ten minute break and
then get back at it.
14. Do something nice for someone
else, to get out of your own
15. Sing.

I'm sure there were more ideas -- and they
were all good.  Wishing you a day
filled with creativity.

This painting was stuck in reality until
Verna Vogel said she liked the pink on
the clouds.  "Hmmm! More pink," I thought.
Thanks Verna.

Have-a-walking-out-of-the-corner day.


  1. Lovely thoughts ... thanks for sharing!

  2. Thanks Cathy,

    I admit I was impressed with their positive motivation.

    Take care,


  3. Hi Barbara,

    What a great list, and a gorgeous painting too! Yes, I very much like the pink in the clouds, it is so fresh and fleeting.

    Pink light in clouds is worth pausing whatever I'm doing and taking a moment to breathe and be grateful in this beautiful, ephemeral world.

    Thanks to your students for their ideas, and to you for posting this list - I have copied and pinned it up in my studio as a reminder.

    Have a super day!


  4. Hi Verna,

    Thank you so much for helping me make a creative leap. Best help of all for getting out of a corner, a respected artist liking what you do.

    I love your work.

    XOXOXOXOXO Barbara

  5. It's beautiful Barbara- the pink is wonderful. I love how the sky is basically the whole painting- at first I thought it was a cropped detail.

  6. I can tell that your students have an inspiring teacher, judging by that list!

  7. Hi Nicki,

    Yes it is about 98% sky with a hint of tree.

    Thank you so much. Clouds have been a big passion for me since last summer. A high compliment coming from you -- the master of clouds! And landscape!


  8. Hi Flora,

    They blew me out of the water -- and I know there was more! I think it would be safe to say that this group has a bunch of inspiring teachers, and they've lead inspiring lives. I so enjoy them. Thanks for this.

    I love your work.

    XOXOXOXOXO Barbara


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