Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Spring Time from the lionhead bunny -- Pip

Pip the Lionhead rabbit delivers eggs
8 x 8 inchs
Acrylic on canvas
Barbara Muir © 2015
Dear Pip,

I've been thinking of you ever since your owner
asked me if I could paint you.  But I was used
to the other kind of rabbits --  like my rabbit, Harold,
with the long ears and bodies, and didn't really know
what you looked like because I'd only seen pictures.
 Helping Pip with the baskets 
-- Putting in the blue straw
Then this summer in New Brunswick we met
a woman with a bunch of Lionhead rabbits, and
I got your look, but I didn't have time to paint you.
Now with Easter here, and my favorite part
of it being the bunny and the eggs, I pulled out the
portrait I'd begun of you and got to work.
Starting to fill the baskets -- so pretty
All done, and ready for the family!

Happy Easter Pip.

You can see some shots of how we prepared the
baskets with you to take the the Easter people
in our family.

Have a loving-rabbits-day.

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