Sunday, July 24, 2016

A favorite painting sells to wonderful collectors -- a joyous occasion!

 In the City
Acrylic on canvas
36 x 48 inches
Barbara Muir © 2016
I know my blog posts have been sporadic to say the least
this summer, and there has been a lot going on.  So here's
an update, and I hope to tell you more good news as
the week progresses.  One of my favorite paintings of this year has
sold to wonderful people to highlight their happiness about
getting a new home.  I couldn't be more thrilled.

This painting was inspired by a photograph by my friend,
the amazing photographer, and world renowned journalist,
Howard Wolinsky.  Howard and I go back to the time when
he was working on a Skype blog, and I was one of the first
artists to publish drawings and paintings done live from Skype.
Howard's interview with me, and his encouragement got
me first a major job with a New York company doing line
drawings for an event in Las Vegas via Skype, and a second
You Tube interview caught the attention of Oprah Winfrey
and got me on the Oprah Winfrey show.

Howard and I have been friends on social media ever since.
And when I admired a wonderful photo he showed of the park
he and his wife walk in, near his home in Chicago, I asked if
I could do a painting using it as a source, and he agreed.

After that Howard sent me dozens of photos, but most of
the time I like to work from my own reference, and my
imagination. I like to carry the feeling of the place inside me.
That's how powerful Howard's photos are.  You feel like you
 are there.  The painting is not a replica of the photo, but I did
my very best to evoke the wonder I felt when I saw Howard's work.
Thank you so much Howard.

Having a being-grateful-for-artist-friends day.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Tulips in July -- Gone to a new home

Late evening tulips 
Acrylic on birch panel
12 x 12 inches
Barbara Muir © 2014
This year is strange in so many ways.  The weather is
one -- hot one minute, cold the next.  But deciding
to stay in the city this month to work has made me
appreciate the cool weather whenever it comes.

So it seems appropriate that this little painting
of tulips was sold today to someone who loves
the spring as much as I do -- one of Toronto's
prominent architects.  That made me so happy!

I'm working on some larger pieces that take more
time right now, so I will show you the work when
it's ready.  Meanwhile these lovely flowers are
delighted to have an appreciative audience.

Have a loving-the-season-day.

Friday, July 1, 2016

Happy Canada Day -- I love my country!

Dear friends,

Today is Canada Day.  The weather is doing what it does
best here, having trouble deciding.  It rains like crazy,
then apologizes (Canadians are noted for being apologetic),
says it's sorry, and bright sunlight fills the day with
sparkling beauty, then more rain, and more sunshine.

In that way the day itself is like a love affair -- one minute
all is well, and the next you get a bit wet.  But I feel
filled with pride at this crazy country, populated with so
many kind, talented funny people.  So I'm including
some of the paintings I've done in the past year of this
great land. The left and right are Nova Scotia, and the center
picture is our own street, looking over the schoolyard.

Whether it will keep raining and prevent the fireworks
we traditionally go and see, where people all gather on
the beach, and then clap when the fireworks are over, or
not is anyone's guess.  But fireworks or not.  I love
this place.

Have a happy, peaceful, joyous Canada Day wherever you are.