Art Group Sketch
16 x 20 inches
Barbara Muir © 2017
Be determined. A good motto. I saw in an email that myart group was meeting tonight, and not again for 6 weeks.
I thought I absolutely must go and paint from the model.
My complicated schedule meant I had an hour and a half
at the most to be there.
So I parked. It was snowing for most of the day today,
but when I hauled my supplies out of the car I stepped
in a 6 inch deep puddle. It was raining like crazy. Slush,
ice, slippery sidewalks. And the normal door into the class
was blocked! Yikes!.
A kind lady from the adjoining library funneled me through
the warmth of the library, and ran down the two flights of
steep stairs to check that the group was there was there.
I saw the stairs and froze. (knees) But the librarian ran up,
grabbed my bags and ran back down. Done. I was in.
The model was lovely a woman with a Masters in acting,
who now teaches private lessons in English to grade school
children in China via Skype. I'll call this rushed. (I
know -- don't answer that question -- but it is a sketch --
maybe 3/4 of an hour, but I don't think so.)
Wow, Barbara! Speaking as Texan who thinks a light wafting of snow warrants closing of schools and hunkering under a thick comforter, I applaud you!!! Plus the 'rushed' painting is as charming as can be! MmmmWaa!!!
Hi Susan,
Thank you so much. When I go out to clean off my car after a snow storm, I always say -- 'this
is nothing. I'm an Ottawa girl'. I think global warming has reduced the snowfall even in Ottawa,
where the drifts used to go up over my parents' roof every now and then. But here we have had
hardly any snow this winter -- so it was just two inches that then melted and was frozen under rain.
I am glad you like the "Rushed"painting. I keep thinking of you. You turn out perfection every time,
and then plan to go further! I always want to say -- NO! You've already got it Sargent.
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