Monday, January 30, 2017

The force of joy

Three Tulips
Maison De Haute Couleur 
Charvin, Paris Watercolour
on Fabriano paper
8 x 10 inches
Barbara Muir © 2017

Louise Hay asked at the start of the month what word we
would want to use to define 2017.  I choose the
word "joy".  I know it's not the first time I've picked
that word.  Maybe it picks me -- in which case I'm
lucky, and I do feel that way.  

Joy (or happiness if you like) is most potent in the
heart of hard times.  When you lift your eyes up 
out of sorrow and look around, it's there waiting 
for you.  I think perhaps it's the force of nature
saying -- "Look! Look at me! I'm always here 
to make you happy."  

These are harsh times in many ways.  The news
is brutal.  Anxiety is rocketing, and instead of
crawling back under the covers, joy beckons us
to keep going, call a friend, and make our
voices heard, donate, volunteer and join
a vast joyous choir across this beautiful planet. 
What do you do to express your joy?  Do you paint, 
write letters to friends (or politicians), spend time 
with family, go for a walk?  I'd love to hear your ideas.

Have figuring-out-the-joy day.


  1. Barbara, your beautiful painting brings joy to me! And you are so right with what you say. In these difficult times we must try to see the joy and happiness that life can offer us more than ever in order to stay motivated and hopeful. Thank you for another lovely post! May this year be a joyful one inspite of it all!

  2. Lovey watercolour handling, love the soft edges. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Thank you for helping me twist the dial to a more positive channel. We're going to go dance around the studio for a while and practice our new two step moves. Couldn't hurt!

  4. I agree completely. I Love your truly lovely, joyful paintings and feel by painting joy and beauty we spread it.

  5. Hi Liza,

    I wish the same for you. I was going through a file from years ago and found a photo
    of you and Hubert with your friend in the neighbourhood here who I only visited one
    time. I hope she is well. Miss you. Yes we need to carry the joy, so we can spread

    Miss you.


  6. Thank you so much Carol Berry,

    I am not good at Twitter so let me know where I can go to see your work.
    I love what I did see. You are an amazing artist.

    XOXOXOXOXO Barbara

  7. Hi Evelyn,

    Thank you so much. You've made me very happy. And I do agree. That
    has been my main reason for painting, that and the excitement and
    happiness it gives to me.


  8. Hi Susan,

    Speaking of turning the dial to a more positive channel, your totally amazing paintings
    rivalling Sargent and Mary Cassatt and always with an apology for the speed
    that you produced them, just lifted my spirits so high. So incredibly
    inspiring. Thank you.



Your thoughts and positive comments make my day. Thank you for stopping by.