Clouds at play
iPad drawing
8 x 10
Barbara Muir © 2017
Tonight after teaching I have to admit I am supertired. Knock down, drag out, tired. But as artists
who blog -- not okay. Right? We should be on.
And of course talking to you makes me feel
a million times better about the sapped energy,
the new cold threatening to become full fledged.
I get all happy and motivated and feel my energy
coming back and it's almost like I can feel you
out there sending me inspiration, and so much
kindness, and wonderful opportunities.
So. To hell with tiredness. Here's a little
something different -- a landscape from my
iPad, drawn with my finger. My iPad is old,
and unreliable, and shuts down in a minute for no
reason, fully charged. But wow, try drawing on
it -- in the ultra low tech way of dragging your
finger over the surface -- and the thing is fun.
Thanks for reviving me.
Have a having fun making your art day.
P.S. I know it should be "more tired",
not "tireder". Yes I do.
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