Tuesday, April 4, 2017

French clouds and Peter Mayle

Untitled (detail)
Acrylic on canvas
30 x 30 inches
Barbara Muir © 2017
I don't know if you've ever read anything by the author
Peter Mayle, but I am on a definite addictive streak now
with his writing.  I think I picked Toujours Provence
up in one of those little book libraries that look like
houses that people in my neighbourhood have on their
front lawns.

It was sheer delight to read as I was trying to ward off
 a horrible cold, with hot lemon and thinking
positively.  The book was a godsend.  So Steven took
me to the bookstore and I bought three more.  They
describe life in the south of France, Provence -- that
I visited long ago, and where I would love to return.

Peter Mayle had to leave France for awhile because
his readers -- fans -- found him, and even let themselves
into his house uninvited.  But after a short stint in Long
Island he and his wife had to get back to their beloved
Provence.  I must say I get it.  These are not French
clouds.  But they're the beginning of a new painting,
and they have been at least partially inspired by
absolutely brilliant and delicious writing.

Have a getting a favourite book day.


  1. I worked on his first book, A Year in Provence, when I was at Knopf--it was a sensation!
    Love you clouds: the perfect expression of a beautiful day

  2. How wonderful Laura. I am reading that now, with great delight. Thank you so much.
    I hope you got to meet him. He seems like a complete sweetie. Funny, and honest,
    and also kind.



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