Sunday, April 2, 2017

Messages to a cloud freak -- thanks Facebook

Pink light
Acrylic on canvas
Acrylic on canvas 
36 x 12 inches
Barbara Muir © Revised 2017

Facebook turned up a memory today that hit me in a
powerful way.  First because I was so impressed with
what my students did in the class I described,
and second because I thought the painting shown in
the blog post needed work.

I read the inspiring thoughts on creativity my 2015
class had come up with and I was moved.  So I knew
I still had the painting that went with the blog, and thought
the whole piece deserved a second run.

Then I looked at the work.  I'd been out on a short
walk today and saw magnificent clouds that took my
breath away, and they were like the clouds in my painting
but -- they had room to breathe.  So I've revised this and
like it much more. I also got rid of the green trees at the
bottom and darkened them, because they were stealing the
clouds' magnificence.

Here are the thoughts from that class two years ago
on how to get out of a creative corner:

1. Go for a walk.
2. Dance to your favourite music.
3. Have a shower -- feeling clean makes you feel new.
4. Look at yourself in the mirror and say, 
"Hi you're wonderful, you can do it!"
5.  Leave the project alone and have a nap.
6. Better yet turn off the light and go to sleep for the night.
7. Call a supportive friend.
8.  Get over yourself.
9. Make a list of all of your accomplishments.
10. Eat your favourite food.
11.  Make a mind map planning out what to do.
12.  Write a series of questions and then wait and 
write down the answers as they come to you.
13. Take a ten minute break and then get back at it.

Pretty wonderful.  I'm grateful to them.
Have a seeing-with-fresh-eyes day!


  1. I love this list! I'm going to need it tomorrow morning to get me back to work after staying up too late blogging about sketching! haha. The wonderful life of an artist.
    Thanks for your post and for your clouds too. xoxxo

  2. Hi Barbara,

    What a beautiful painting!!! And a super list, too. I very much like "write down questions, and then write the answers as they come to you."

    I am so impressed with you as you just keep on painting, drawing, making art all the time no matter what else life throws at you. You are truly amazing!


  3. Hi Flora,

    Thank you so much! I love your post about sketching and thank you for mentioning me. I found
    your drawings of your family very moving.

    XOXOXOXOXO Barbara

  4. Hi Verna,

    Thank you so much. Art as you know, demands that we give it our attention.
    And I must say it is lovely to be part of an artist community that includes
    you. Your installation so dazzled me.

    XOXOXOXOXO Barbara

  5. Thank you Karen,

    I love the people on the beach carrying their chairs, and the
    gorgeous colour and light in your painting.



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