Before the Dance in the White Dress
Part of the Dance series
Acrylic on canvas
24 x 24 inches
Barbara Muir ©
(Thank you to my sweet niece Chloé for posing for this one)
I am probably the most cheerful artist you know. Or one ofthem. Not because of a life free from problems, or because
I am wildly successful, or even because of art itself. I just
simply am. Right now the loudest sound in this huge city
other than my typing is a Robin chirping on the back porch.
table with it's little silver tray crammed with white cream pitchers
filled with purple and yellow pansies? Or the dog wondering
if I will eat more soon, and if so could she maybe have a taste?
Or could it be that this is one of slowest, wettest, most beautiful
springs in recent memory -- that new spring green just lasts and
lasts captivating me. Or is it -- yes it is -- knowing that you are
out there with your wonderful creativity, your affection, your life
lessons, and inspiration. Thank you.
Art sometimes is slow in coming. I am working on a very happy
painting now, but it is not a fast painting. And when I don't write
I miss you. What to do? How about showing you a painting from
my Dance series of a few years back that I am very proud of.
This series was about young people on the edge of life in "Before
the Dance" paintings, and grew to include people "At the dance",
and even "After the dance." I'll show you what I'm working on soon.
Have a loving-your-life day!